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I wake up, my phone buzzing out of control, my head pounding erratically. Over the past thirteen hours that I was asleep, I've received twelve texts from Carter, four phone calls from Carter, almost thirty phone calls from Michael and forty texts. My phone's bound to explode any moment, as is my brain.

Carter's texts include capitalization, screaming, exclamation marks, and 'What happened' texts, as do her voice messages. I had no plan to answer her or Michael, who was just texting apologizes over and over, saying he wanted to talk and that if I didn't answer within the next hour, he'd come to my house to talk. That text was over an hour ago, so I'm guessing his threats were just so that I would talk to him.

But, when my mom yells for me to come downstairs because "breakfast is ready" and I check the time on the clock, I realize that it is not, in fact, breakfast. It's nearly one in the afternoon, and she gets up so early it would be silly for her to eat breakfast at one. But, she could have made me breakfast, or it could be Michael. I sigh and toss on a sweatshirt, leaving my makeup stained face as is and not brushing away the knots in my hair.

As I thud down the stairs, I hear my mom whispering, which she always does, so I don't think anything of it.

"What'd you make?" I ask, yawning as I step into the kitchen. Herself and Michael stand against the island in the middle of our kitchen, drinking cups of coffee. She sets a sandwich on the island where a stool is and adds creamer to cup of coffee. She pats Michael on the back and smiles before she leaves the kitchen. I stare at the coffee, which probably needed sugar since my mom doesn't usually add sugar when she makes it for me. I didn't want to look up. I didn't want to look at him, souly because I would probably start crying. Again.

"What do you want?" I mumble, picking at the bread of the sandwich.

"I want to talk to you, Everly. Please. Let me explain," he replies, his voice soft yet slightly raspy, like he's been awake all night. When I dare to look up, I see the exhaustion in his eyes, his body language, his clothing choice. It takes all of me to not jump over the island and embrace him in a hug, telling him how terribly sorry I am for acting like a psycho maniac, how I know how he must feel, and how much I love him. But I can't. I mean, I could, but I can't.
"Can we go outside and talk?" he asks. I nod my head and follow him out the back door with my coffee cup. The air is like a peaceful spring morning, the flowers poking up from the ground. Our patio furniture is damp from the storm that erupted while we slept last night, which left leaves everywhere in our yard.

Despite the wet cushions, I sit at the table and pull my hood up over my head. My coffee cup is the only thing keeping me warm.

"Here we go," he takes a big breath and then sighs. "You're right. I've been lying to you since 9th grade. I've been what you may call a 'superhero' since then. Well, that's when I figured out my powers. And the only reason I didn't tell you was because I knew that if I did, you wouldn't be safe. It's a risky business, Everly. My only goal in life is to protect you, and even though I was lying about almost everything, it was to protect you. All of the dates I've missed and made up excuses about missing were because of missions. All of the 'school night gigs' are not actual gigs, they're missions. Calum, Luke, Ashton and I are all in one group." I wanted to hug him, I truly did. I wanted to tell him the truth and nothing but the truth, I did. But I couldn't, in fear that he would be mad at me the same way I was.

"I don't really think that's why I'm angry, Michael. I think I'm angry because you wanted to blow off another thing with me to go to some stupid hero banquet thing where you'll potentially get an award."
"How do you know that's what is happening?" He asks, leaning on the table. "I didn't tell you what the banquet was. I didn't say it was a super hero banquet."
"But it is."
"That's not the point," he breathes. "How do you know?" I chew on my bottom lip and drum my fingers against my coffee cup. I want to tell him. I do. I always have. "You're not..." since I don't answer, it's a sure fire sign that I am, in fact, what he's thinking. He scoffs, scooting his chair out, the metal scraping the concrete. "And I thought I was the only one with a secret to hide."
I want to say something, but I don't know what to say. I wasn't going to the banquet, as it was superheroes only, not super heroins.

"Why are you mad at me for lying when you're lying, too?!" he shouts in frustration. "Why am I being punished for actions that you're doing as well?"
"No, shut up, I'm talking," he growls. I'm shocked by what he said. He's never told me to 'shut up'. Ever. He sees my shocked facial expressions and his angry attitude switches like a light switch. "I'm sorry."
"Why don't I get time to explain? You did. I think it's only fair."

"I'm done," Michael scoffs, grabbing his coat from the chair and heading towards the back door.

"Michael, please," I beg, following behind him.

"Thanks for letting me come over, Miss Pratt," Michael mumbles to my mom, waving his hand. She furrows her eyebrows questionably at me. I scoff, rushing out the front door after him with my flip flops on.

He's in his car and has started the engine when I briskly jump in just before he decides to speed down the road.

"Get out of my car," he mumbles. I don't listen to him, just sit there, staring at the console. "Fine." he speeds off down the road before I can buckle my seat belt. "I'm dropping you off at Carter's."
"Why?" I ask, buckling my seat belt.

"Because I don't want to be around you when I'm angry."
"Michael will you just listen to what I have to say? I listened to you." his knuckles turn white as he grips the steering wheel. "I don't know why I got so mad last night. But I know that I'm being stupid for being angry at you for lying when I'm lying about the same thing. You have every right to be mad at me for as long as you please. I thought about telling you last night but after getting so mad, I thought you would get mad and wouldn't want to be with me anymore." He glares at me.

"You think that's changed now?" he asks angrily. My eyes become watery with tears and I try to blink them away.

"I'm sorry, okay?" I cross my arms and stare out of the windshield. This was not a pleasant car ride. There was no music, only tension in the atmosphere that you could cut with a knife. "I'm an idiot, you don't have to remind me." He glances at me with sorrow filled eyes.

When we arrive at Carter's house and he parks the car, I try to get out of the car but Michael stops me by placing his hand on my knee.

"Let me get out, please. Like you wanted." I mumble.

"Look at me, first," he instructs. I turn to face him, my arms crossed. He grabs my face and kisses me, which is something I wanted so very badly. The touch of his lips sooth me, but I don't show it. When he pulls away, he sighs and smiles, expecting me to do the same, but I don't. I just glare at him and hop out of the car.


chapter 12!! the last chapter I'm posting until i get back from disney.. enjoy!!

have a magical disney day!

Edited November 6th, 2015:

Okay I edited this chappie a bit because no one can hit Michael not even AU Fictional characters

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