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I run to the door of the pub, hoping and praying that they're still performing. A car backs up as I run, nearly hitting me. Gasping and scared for my life, I make my way to the driver's side of the vehicle. "Oy, watch where you're going!" I shout, before Carter rolls down her window and grins at me. "Wait, what's going on?" 

"I'm meeting them at Ashton's house. Apparently they had some big thing like I dunno, Luke forgetting to clean his room or drug dealing or something. They left right after their set. Michael asked where you went," she says, staring at the sky that was fully dark now. I quirked an eyebrow, awaiting her answer. "I said you were in the bathroom. Now wipe that lipstick off of your mouth before people start suspecting things and get in." 

"What about my car?" I ask, walking over to the passenger side of her car. 

"We'll get it tomorrow. Now come on," she started down the street as soon as I got in, not caring if I had buckled or not. Clearly she was eager to see someone. I smirk and buckle my seat belt as she bolts down the street. "So what went down?"

"Well uh it was a Dr. Denver robbery again. And you know Marge, Marge that uses her sex appeal as a weapon Marge." Carter laughs as she takes a turn at the end of a street to head to the subdivison. "Those stupid boys were there. This time I learned their names. The annoying one with the red cape's MJ," I laugh, shaking my head at how stupid it was. "Then there's Creep, H. Robert and... you know I don't know the last one's name." 

"Strange, They all sound like characters from Spiderman," Carter chuckles as she pulls up into the drive way behind what looked to be like Ashton and Michael's cars, since they car pooled all the time. Looks as though we were right on time, as Calum and Michael were getting out of Michael's car. It was beginning to sprinkle, small raindrops falling down onto the windshield. We got out of the car and followed them inside, the smell of pizza and popcorn filling my nostrils. 

"Ashton's already burnt something," Luke says, shaking his head as he begins to spray the air with Febreze. Ashton was cursing at himself as he threw two bags of popcorn into the trash, for obvious reasons; they both had black stains on the bottom. Popcorn was falling from the bottoms of the bags, and  I sigh, making my way to the kitchen to help him clean up the mess.

"Thanks Everly, SINCE NO ONE ELSE WOULD HELP," he says, kneeling down on the ground with the dust pan. I sweep the burnt popcorn into the dust pan and watch him dump it into the trash can, a smile on his face as he turns back to me. His eye is black, like someone punched him. His smile fades to a frown as he notices my worried expression.

"Ashton what is wrong with your face?!" I ask, him pulling at his hair. He turns around to face everyone, Carter gasping. 

"What? You don't like it? Dang Ev, I always thought you had a thing for me," he grins, nudging me. I frown, crossing my arms, looking at Michael for help. I notice a scratch across his eyebrow and make my way over to him, staring him down. He swallows, probably in fear of what I might say. I brush my fingers over the scratch as he winces.

"Okay, what happened? Bar fight? Disagreement? Spill," I cross my arms, glaring at the boys with my lips  pursed. 

"We uhm, ran into this guy while we were leaving and uh," Calum began, scratching the back of his neck.

"We used to hang out but then I called the cops on him once so he got mad at me, at the bar, and pulled a knife on me. Ashton tried to stop him and he got punched and the knife scratched me a little. I'm fine, though," Michael takes a deep breath as he finishes his sentence, smiling. I knew something was up, something was wrong. Who just carries around a knife? And who starts a fight for no reason? My eyebrows knit together as I try to figure everything out. Michael wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into his chest, smiling down at me. "Everything's fine. Pinky swear," he sticks out his pinky, which I take with my own, clasping tightly. He kisses my forehead and lets go of me, heading to the kitchen to get something to drink. 

"Do you have the pizza in the oven?" Calum asks as Michael pours himself a glass of water. Ashton yells a reply from the den. I grab Carter's hand and drag her with me as I walk to where Ashton was.

"Is there a game on?" I ask as Ashton stares at the television, grasping a shirt in his hand.

"Yeah. Germany versus Brazil," he stops his sentence to switch from his black Kiss shirt to his Brazil shirt, Carter squeezing the life out of my hand. "Germany's winning, though." he sighs when he sits back against the couch, his eyes trained on the screen. I make Carter sit next to him in the middle of the couch, as close to him as possible. I curl up on the edge, silently rooting for Brazil. I was a big football fan, and it was something the boys and I bonded over. "You like football, Carter?"

"Yeah. Hate to break it to ya, pretty boy, but I'm rooting for Germany," Carter grins. She's finally getting the hang of this flirting thing. 

"I'll be right back," I announce, getting up and walking to the kitchen to get a soda.  "Mikey come cuddle with me." I whine, giggling as I pop the tab of the cola. Calum snorts, taking the pizzas out of the oven. 

"That's disgusting," Luke says, biting into a carrot and walking to the den. I hop up onto the counter and sip from my cola can, a smile on my face. 

"That's my cue to leave. Tell me when you're done so I can eat," Calum says, snickering whilst Michael kicks him as he exits the kitchen.

"So are you going to tell me what happened to your face or...?" I ask quietly, staring at him, kicking my feet around. 

"I did, babe. There's nothing else to tell," Michael shrugs. "I pinkie-swore." 

"Touché," I roll my eyes. "I just feel like I'm..... I don't know, kept in the dark with you sometimes. I feel like you don't really tell me everything like you used to."

"You're insane," Michael shakes his head, eating a piece of pepperoni from the pizza. "If anything else would've happened, I would tell you," he rests his hands on my knees and smiles at me. "Honestly." 

"That makes me feel a little better," I sigh. "I just don't see how you could've gotten into a fight so quickly."

"He really hates me, Ev," Michael laughs. "Like, a lot." I laugh, dropping my head and staring at his hands. 

"Good. I mean, not good, but you know what I mean," I smile.

"Of course I do," he nods. "Wanna kiss it out?" he grins. I slap his chest and hop off the counter. "Aw come on, I thought you loved me!" he pouts, grabbing my hands whilst I'm reaching into the fridge for a soda for Carter. "One kiss, please! Come on!" I shake my head and stride over to the oven to get myself some pizza. "Please?" he stands in front of the oven, blocking the pizza, his arms crossed.

"Michael, I will always have you to kiss. With four boys in one house, two pizzas will not last long. Let the lady get some pizza," I say. He huffs and moves out of my way. I must've made a valid point.

hello hello i hope this was good omg bye i'm going to watch doctor who now xx

Edited November 6th, 2015:

Okay this chapter isn't bad but DANG MICHAEL U SURE DO HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS

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