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Although it took us a while to fully get back to normal, we soon did. We knew about each other's secrets, and we told each other everything.

"So, what you're saying is that I told you I was still in love with you and I didn't even know it was you?" Michael asks, quite confused as he twirls a french fry into his chocolate shake. I lean my back against cold window of  the diner, my feet occupying the booth we were sitting in. I nod my head, a cheeky grin on my face. "Oh jeez. That's embarrassing."

"It's not embarrassing," I tell him, laughter stringing through my words as I take some of his fries. "It's cute." His cheeks turn pink and he furrows his eyebrows together.

"It's not cute," he protests. "And, Ashton knew it was you before I did?" he scoffs.

"I didn't know he knew," I tell him. "It just sort of, happened." I shrug my shoulders.. I soon notice that almost the entire milkshake is half way gone, and I didn't even get any. "Hey, I thought we were sharing the milkshake!" He snickers, standing up and getting another straw, dropping it into the drink.

"There. Now we can share," he tells me. I roll my eyes, pulling the milkshake in front of me.

"No way, mister. You got half, so I get half. It's only fair," I smirk, slurping up the rest of the milkshake. Michael frowns, crossing his arms.

As we sat at our booth in the corner of the diner, talking about nothing in particular, Carter and Ashton were off on the other side of the diner on a date. We didn't know they were there, until we got there. They were insanely cute, and everyone 'shipped' them together. 

"Ashton's finally got a muse," Michael told me one day, when we were all together again, watching movies instead of going to the high school football games like we normally did. I smiled at him, but didn't think anything of it, until now. Carter was always talking about Ashton, always. You could tell they were in love, even if they didn't tell anyone, or each other. They had those love eyes that people would see, even if they didn't see it themselves.

 On our senior year of high school, when Ashton had graduated and Carter was known for having a 'college boyfriend' even though he didn't attend college, I tried out for the girl's football team. I was accepted and became the team's goal keeper, and a good one at that. Before the end of the season, I was elected captain which was very surprising to me. I also had scouts coming out to watch all of us play, and a few were interested in me, even though I had only been on the team for a year. 

Their band really hit it off with a grumpy old man with tons of money, They finally got a record label, and started working harder and harder every day. They wrote new songs, perfected old ones, and generally became better as a band.

 They're set to start touring in a month, for three months at a time. I've never been away from Michael - or any of them for that matter- for that amount of time, and it's going to be hard, especially for Carter, since her and Ashton just started their relationship. Also, I was going to be attending University, but it wasn't too hard on Carter because she was at the same Uni, and we were set to share a dorm. I had a football scholarship and Carter's set to study to be a physical therapist.

I try to remind Carter and myself about how easy it is to stay in touch now-a-days, with email, text, phone calls, skype, face time, instagram, twitter, facebook... the list goes on and on. 

"It's gonna be fine, Carter. They'll have to meet like, Will Smith to forget about us," I laugh, trying to make her feel better about the whole ordeal.  She smiles lightly, but I can tell she's not happy about it.

"You have to promise to call or text or... something, every day. Okay?" she asks Ashton as they're cuddled up on the couch. He strokes her hair, a smile on his face. He nods his head and kisses her forehead.

"It's too hard to forget about you," he mumbles, Carter's cheeks flushing pink. I was sure that they would stay in touch. We all would. It's too hard not to talk to each other, even for a week. That's why we're such good friends.

author's note

thank you all so so much for reading and enjoying this story. I'm sorry that this has to end, but everything has to, eventually. 

While I work on my newest story Black (which is not a fanfiction, btw) I'll be thinking of a new fanfiction to write, so don't fret! This story was so so fun to write! Superheros are amazing characters to portray, especially when you add 5sos to the mix. I loved the idea of it, and this story is so so dear to me! It's one of the first stories I've completed, besides a poorly executed Harry Styles fanfiction in 2012, when I first joined the site. 

Furthermore, Thank you all so so so much for reading and loving this story. I love you all so much.


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