chapter 18: new host

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"E-Eddie?" I stuttered, walking back into the locker wall. How was he here? Did he know I was here?

"What... what are you doing?" He asked, almost breathlessly. "I-I just saw you... you were on the wall!" He pointed to the side of the room.

I opened my mouth, hoping something would come out, but nothing did.

"What were you doing in here?! I told you to never come here!" He shouted angrily.

I gulped, and pressed my back against the freezing cold metal. "I-I... uh... um.... I wasn't... you don't understand."

"How were you on the wall? Are you..." he bit down on his lip, "you know... uh... one of those mutants?" He lowered his voice at the last word.

"What?! No! No no, I'm not a mutant!" I exclaimed, which was technically true.

"Then... how?!" He threw up his arms, about to walk closer, but he stopped. "Wait..."

I sighed, knowing that he no doubtably connected the dots. Man, I have to be more careful with my secret identity.

"You're not him are you? The Spiderman guy?" He cocked his head to the side. I bit down on my cheek, it always made me so embarrassed to admit that I was. I mean, I'm a freak. My eyes flickered down to my socked feet.

"Y-yeah... sorta." I looked back up at him. "But that's not the problem here. This," I pointed to Venom, "isn't what you think it is."

"What do you mean?"

"It's dangerous. Very dangerous, and we have to lock it up again."

"I don't understand, what could be so dangerous about it?"

"It's alive Eddie. It touched me, and it was trying to take control of my mind."

"No way, you're lying."

"Why would I lie to you?! I'm telling the absolute truth. This thing our parents created, isn't at all what it was supposed to be. It seems to be a," I paused, "a symbiote."

"Really? I didn't know those existed!"

"Me either. I only have ever read about them in my comic boo- I mean, science fiction novels. But this has the exact same characteristics as the ones in the novels I read. You know what they are, right?"

"I've only heard someone mention one, but I kind of have the gist. They have to bond to another organism to survive, right?"

I nodded. "Mhm. It also somehow has a consciousness. At least, when it was bonding to me anyway." I looked down. "This thing is dangerous. It tried to capture Gwen. We have to destroy it."

Eddie's eyes widened. "Destroy it?! But, this is the only thing left I have of my parents. The only project from them I still have. This is the only reason why I'm at this damn college anyway."

"Eddie, I'm sorry, but there are bigger things here. I mean, if this got into the wrong hands, who knows what they would do with it." I darted my eyes back to his. "Who else has access to this room?"

"Uh, no one that I know of, you need a unique keycard and... wait, speaking of which, how'd you get in here?"

"I busted the door open. But anyway, you don't know anyone who could have access to this keycard?"

"Well, no one other than my roommate, but he doesn't even know about it. At least, I don't think he does." He tapped his chin.

"Still... theres no way that this can stay here. I'm going to take it."

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