chapter 33: cops

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Three weeks later...

"WOOO!" Spider-Man cheered as he flipped through the air on a gleaming stream of webbing.
It took him a long three weeks to re-gain all his muscles after the coma, but he was back and better than ever! His bionic leg turned to be really handy, and packed quite a lot of power than his regular leg, so he dubbed it his 'kicking leg'. Aunt May had accepted him as Spider-Man, and he took her swinging a couple times. And of course, New York was ecstatic to have their web-slinger back in business. Crime rates dropped back down to a regular level, and moderating the city was once again easy.

He had gone back to school for the remaining three weeks after being missing, and everyone was ecstatic to have him back. He hadn't mentioned his amputation to anyone though, not even MJ, Gwen, or Harry.

But the best thing of all that happened to him was his breast reduction surgery.

Tony had told him that he wouldn't have to pay a dime, and of course, with May's consent, Bruce would be doing it the next day.

A weight had been lifted off of his chest, literally, and he felt free. Like he was 50% closer to being the man that he actually was. Of course with his super healing, the only thing left were two pale scars, barely noticeable. Of course he told his friends about that however.

As shitty as his life has been, the past few weeks have turned out to be really good.

He swung through the skies, and stopped on a yellow crane. The crane operators have become quite fond of him. Whenever they would see him, they would swing their crane around to face the street so he could have something to swing off of easier. Spider-Man noticed these little things that people did for him, and it made him feel more and more accepted and liked.

He kicked out his feet and pulled out his cellphone.

Hey Aunt May, gonna patrol for an hour or so in Brooklyn and then I'm going over to Wade's for the night. I'll call when I'm done. :)

She made him text her whenever he was coming home from one of his patrols as a protocol, every night. It didn't bother him much, it was just a routine now. He knew she was only doing it so he would be safe.

He sat there on the crane, watching for anything for a couple minutes. Then he heard an alarm a couple blocks down.

Putting his phone in his waistband, he swung off to follow where the sound came from. Landing on the building in front of where the sound came from, he cocked his head to the side. He couldn't see anything inside the building. Spider-Man jumped down and ran into the building, which had a shattered window.

"Hello? Mr. Criminal?" he cupped his hands and called out. "Or Mrs?" he added. Spidey wandered through the main floor for a bit, finding no one. Then, something triggered his Spider-sense, and he whipped around. "Hello?" he called, and crouched down. The hair on the back of his neck felt like it was standing up. If he were a cat, his tail would be very puffed out. "Who's there?!"

Then there was a click of a gun.

Spidey shot himself up to the ceiling and begin to crawl away, when that gun began shooting at him. It was dark, so he couldn't see where it was or who was pulling the trigger, but he knew he had to get out there, and fast. He dropped to the ground again and burst through the door, stopping dead in his tracks. A fleet of police cars and policemen, at least 20 of them, were surrounding the store, pointing their weapons at him.

It was a set up. Of fucking course.

"GET ON THE GROUND, HANDS BEHIND YOUR HEAD!" One of them shouted, and Spider-Man's blood ran cold.

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