*1* Introduction

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this story is loosely inspired by a cartoon superhero and the song above and below

Main characters are Sean Lew and Kaycee Rice and no one else

So I'm making the other characters like Julian and Bailey exclusively on the side/supporting but obviously they'll contribute to the story as I can't have just Sean and Kaycee in the story lol

Sean Lew and Kaycee Rice were not good dancers, and they really wanted to get past the road block and be great like there friends. One day after running into each other they just become shockingly good at dancing. And now they try to figure out why and accidentally fall for each other in the process

I will obviously take stuff from real life but I will change things as well to fit the plot

This story also would be more believable if it was the main characters were more underrated dancers or just not as popular dancers (ex: Josh, Mia, Jay, etc...) but no one would read that so here's a Kaycee and Sean book


Kaycee Rice

Kaycee Rice

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Age 15

Favorite choreographers: Tricia Miranda & Jojo Gomez
Kaycee has been dancing since she was a baby but now as a teen she is so far behind in dancing skill as things are just not clicking for her

Sean Lew

Sean Lew

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Age 16

Favorite choreographers: Jake Kodish & Ian Eastwood
Sean as a guy dancer has always been seen as decent but as more and more guys get better faster he's getting outclassed as he's not improving much since he was a kid

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