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Kaycee Rice POV

Millennium Dance Complex
Studio X

It was Friday night

Tati, Bailey, and I were taking one of my favorite choreographers class

Tricia Miranda

I can't really explain why she's my favorite
One day her class is hard another day it's relatively easy but I just enjoy her and her class

We were currently just going over the choreography a few more times before it was time to film

And I was sucking!!!

As a kid I was always a little off with my moves whether it was me being off beat or forgetting a move but it was always okay since you know I was a kid it was impressive I was learning choreography at all

But now all the missteps, forgotten moves, and lack of musicality was really showing in my teen years and I am at the point where it's hard to distinguish teens from adults so me being this bad at dancing is awkward

Not only that but since I'm older I don't move with as much energy as when I was like 7 and I didn't fix it by being smoother either I was just a mess

I came from the dance floor and joined two of my best friends on the side
Bailey Sok and Tati Mcquay
They were amazing at dance
They had no trouble picking up choreography and they're only getting better

"Why can't I get this!" I said sipping my water from my water bottle

"It's okay sis I know you'll get it!" Tati said being the supportive friend she always is

"It is strange you've been like this for years now" Bailey pointed out as it has been a long time

Bailey's been like a prodigy since she was a kid and only got better with the more control and polish she has learned over the years

Tati also been good since she was a kid she had trouble finding her dance style for awhile but now she has it and is better than ever

"I'm going to get some water" I said as I noticed my bottle was empty

"Hurry back you only got time for one more!" Tati said as I slipped out the studio to head to the water fountain

The complex was really big it had 6 studios with most being for privates but that combined with bathroom and the entrance/exit means I had to walk a little bit

I was almost there, I turned the corner

and WHAM!!

Ran right into someone dropping my water bottle in the process

"Sorry!! I was in a rush" the cute boy said

"It's okay!" I said as I bent down and reached for my water bottle that fell

I reached for it but I saw so did he and we touched hands at the same time and I felt


Not like ow it hurt me static, but the tingly feeling you get in a good way...

"Weird" I comment as I pick up the bottle and stand up

"Sorry Kaycee I'll see you another time" the boy said

The boy also known as Sean Lew

We're in the same dance company we auditioned for it when we were kids so I've known of him for quite awhile now

He wasn't bad at dancing... Just wasn't good either...

I know I shouldn't be judging with my two left feet

I quickly refilled my water bottle and headed back into class

I see Tati dancing with a bunch of other people in the middle meaning Bailey already went

They divided us up in four groups so everyone can have room to practice the choreography full out

Bailey was in group 2
Tati is in group 3
And I was in group 4 so I'm next

This is usually one of the last times I dance in the class as after this is filming

Only other times is when the teacher wants to do a young girl group and I get picked to join and help fill the formation for top dancers like Bailey and Tati

"Group 4!!! Last time, make it count!!" Tricia said as I sipped my last sip of water and made my way to the middle

We're encouraged to pick different spots so one time you're in the back, another time on the sides, and now for me
In the front...

I'm not nervous I'm a dancer I'm used to people watching me but this time felt different

The music started playing and everyone started the combo

And as I was dancing I noticed Tricia staring at me

Again I'm not nervous but I was thinking something was wrong as her eyes were fixated solely on me

We finished and everyone got some breaks as Tim Milgram the videographer picked out some people to film

Sometimes the videographer picked groups but most times the choreographers do

A few girls went including my friends Tati and Bailey along with another girl named Jadyn for a trio

As they were dancing Tricia walked straight up to me

"I want you to do a solo" Tricia said to me

A solo?!!!

I've never even been in the middle?!?!

Obviously I wasn't going to say no that's actually disrespecting the teacher as they feel you can do the combo the best or the way they intend for it to be shown with a solo

But now I was nervous

"Alright to end the night a solo!!" Tricia said as people started clapping just out of respect "Welcome Kaycee Rice!"

I walked into the middle and stood in front of Tim with his camera

I see Tati and Bailey moved to infront of the mirrors so they can face me as I do the combo

They kept giving me thumbs up and yelling and cheering at me
You know being the best friends they are

The music started
"A 5! 6! a 5! 6! 7! 8!" Tricia counted out

I felt like I blacked out

Next thing I know Tati and Bailey were hugging and lifting me and the room was cheering, throwing shoes, and hats at me
a way of praise from dancers

"What just happened?"

"You killed it!!!" Tati yelled at me

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