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Kaycee POV

Sean's Garage

Sean wanted to create this concept video to convey a message.

And he can't do it without me.


You know because of the static.

We already started rehearsing a week ago now and we're basically done.

Sean must have always been a decent choreographer because this piece is amazing he ones of the best choreographers I've seen.

It kinda makes me want to train under him.

It was the day before we film with David and I just wanted to get a clear understanding of the message

"So what are you trying to say with this dance" I asked him as this was our last rehearsal

"um in the past and still I've noticed people around us constantly saying... I don't know... the wrong words to each other and it just ruins friendships and relationships and neither are better for it" Sean explained "So I just wanted people to see and feel that"


"Sorry is that too much? We can just see it as choosing our words better" Sean said after seeing me not respond

"No it's just I've had experiences like that as well so it kinda hit home for me" I said "When I was younger before Tati, Bailey, and everyone I used to have a ton of friends but then they started to talk behind my back and one day I heard them and then... To it speed up we are no longer friends"

That's was much harder to get out
I've only told Tahani this...

"I'm sorry Kaycee" he said giving me a hug, I didn't even realize I was crying

"So what about you who said the wrong words to you?"

"Actually I've said the wrong words numerous times, I guess the one that comes to mind is when me and BigWill got in a fight and we broke up OREO" Sean said

"Your dog?"

"No it's the trio me BigWill and Josh used to be called" he clarified

"Oh because you were the light filling to the there dark cookies" I said as he started to laugh

"Yeah it was supposed to be that I was the glue holding them together but Josh joked of our skin colors and we've became Oreo" Sean said as I can tell he missed those times as had a slight smirk on his face as he told me

"So what happened? Will and Josh still seem to be friends"

"Will one day called me out on how I wasn't improving and didn't see the need to be in our group and... I said... Let's just say I didn't say nice things" Sean said as he put his head down ashamed "So yeah I wish I had this message back then"

"You can still apologize" I said to him putting my hand on his shoulder "Take the lesson to heart I know I have"

Sean POV

"Yeah I'll text him" I said pulling out my phone

I see messages from Josh Julian and Kenneth but I ignored them to send my text.

I was struggling on how to word it but I think I sent a good apology.

It actually didn't take that long for him to forgive me he even said sorry for what he said.

"See was that so hard?" Kaycee said as I laugh as she was making fun of me for having a hard time over a text message

"No asking you out was much harder" I said

She then laughs as she remembers me asking her out in my car "Well just like now I'm glad you did" Kaycee said giving me the smile I adore so much

Kaycee Rice what are you doing to me

(Sorry this was so short but I had/have writers block)

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