*14* Wavy

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Sean POV

"Alright Sean just get straight to the point and say; 'Kaycee I like you, will you be my girlfriend?'Just like that don't add anything don't be nervous just get it out"

We were meeting up at frozen yougurt place

She had something to say to me as well so it worked out

I arrived and she was already there

"Hey Shamu! Missed You!" Kaycee said giving me a hug as I feel the now familiar static

"Missed you too, so froyo?"


We got our frozen yogurt and took our seats

Should I go first or should I let her?


We both started laughing as we spoke at the same time again

"You go first" I said

"I signed us up for World of Dance season 2" she said and I was shocked "I know I should have consulted you first but it's just when I dance with you I feel unbeatable"

WOD!!! A competition! Are we even ready for that?!?

"Obviously we don't have to send in the audition tape but I just thought I should let you know I'm interested" Kaycee said "So what were you going to tell me?"


Now I just want to tell her about what Jade and Josh K informed me before this gets out of hand

Gameplan or change it?

"Apparently Jade and Josh Killacky went what we are going through with the static and such" I said to her surprising her

"Really?! Wait you found out before Jojo's didn't you!" Kaycee said as I nodded "Why didn't you tell me!"

"Because... Jade and Josh both said that it became permanent after six weeks" I said as I could tell she was counting up the weeks "And I didn't want to lose you because you would no longer need me"

"Lose me?"

"...Kaycee I like you, will you be my girlfriend?"

Kaycee POV


that's a lot to take in

I can be a great dancer on my own soon...

I don't have to worry about losing friends anymore

Life can be so much simpler

but Sean...

I like him
Like a lot

I signed up for season 2 because I thought he would be the perfect partner

I actually believed I couldn't do this without him

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