*8* Oreo

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Sean's house

Kaycee POV

Sean has a really nice house I'm more amazed by how empty it was

"Parents are out right now and sisters been moved out for awhile now so it's just me and Oreo" Sean said probably seeing me and Tahani's expression about his place


"His dog, she's really cute" Josh answered as Sean headed straight to the kitchen

And right on cue a small black and white dog came running to Sean as he was cooking

"Hey babygirl go play with Josh and our guests" Sean said as Oreo came over to us

Oreo immediately went to Josh probably recognizing him and Tahani hid behind me

"What's wrong? Don't like dogs?" Josh asked

"Nope they're scary!" Tahani said as I laughed remembering the time she met my dog and she was terrified

"But Oreo's harmless see!" Josh said picking her up and moving her towards Tahani as I calmly petted Oreo

"Get away from me Price!" Tahani said running away as Josh chased her with Oreo

"Childish, both of them" I said as I head to the kitchen where Sean was

"So you still feel like you can dance?" Sean asked me as he pulled up the music app on his phone

"Can you?!" I said

"We'll have to see!" Sean said as the music started playing

We started doing an abridged salsa and ballroom dance making each other laugh in the process

And outside the fact I never did it before and we had to keep reminding ourselves we can't touch each other because of the experiment
I felt like I could still dance as I wasn't tripping over my feet and nothing felt bad, it's been more than 2 and a half hours now since we hugged

"Alright I better get back to cooking" Sean said stopping the music and continuing his cooking

"What happens when one of us is out of town or something?"

"We'll have to do whatever is the longest way of staying good dancers right before" Sean said "A hug seems to be three hours so far and I'm guessing our fingers touching was like an hour so still not clear if it's the amount or the intimacy"


"I mean like if we kiss is it like our fingers touching since our lips are smaller than our whole bodies like a hug or is it more than a hug since it's more intimate?" Sean said asking the good questions

It was a good point we don't know how this works it could have nothing to do with just contact and be more of what we do

"You just want to kiss me"

"I'm not going to say yes... but I'm not saying no either" Sean said as he doesn't want to admit that he wants to try

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