*4* Lunch

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(You all said continue so here's another small chapter)

Kaycee Rice POV
Kaycee's phone:

Sean Lew

Hey Sean!

Hi Kaycee

Alright I've waited a few hours
and I want you to do the same combo
you learned from Jake and see if it feels different

One sec
Yeah I suck again

Same for me when I tried Tricia's

So it definitely wasn't permanent

Maybe we have to touch each other again?

Yeah I did feel static

maybe if we touch we get better?


I want to try!
It could be a how long we touch for
Or even a how much

How long?
How much?

Yeah how long will be like 1 second, 10 seconds, a minute?

How much would be finger touching, hand holding, hugging, kissing etc...

Which could equal how long we're good dancers for

You want to kiss me?


Okay sorry!

It's okay but we need to figure this out

But yeah we should meet up before class to experiment with this

Who do you have tomorrow?

Planning on Willdabeast

Okay that's fine
I actually want to do well in his class

Alright let's meet up before then

Alright see you tomorrow?

Yeah we can get lunch

So a lunch date?

Yep I'll text you the details!


I have a date?

(Next chapter really soon)

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