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(if you were curious to what videos I imagine them dancing to in static, super power, and hug me so here's an Instagram chapter)



21,034 views liked by kayceericeofficial and tahani_anderson
seanlew so Josh said I killed it I still don't understand what he means but thanks Jake for the solo
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jakekodish you are too good bro made me rethink who actually made the choreo smh
--- seanlew lol

juliandeguz13 brooooooooo!!!!!!!!!
--- seanlew yooooooo!!!!!!!!

kensanjose hi can we be friends?!?!?!?
--- seanlew sure

kayceericeofficial 💙💙💙
--- seanlew :)


20,104 views liked by seanlew and officialjoshprice
kayceericeofficial thank you Tricia for the opportunity for the solo loved the choreo
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triciamiranda no thank you Kaycee Rice you're incredible munch
--- kayceericeofficial ❤️

tatimcquay I saw it live!!!
--- kayceericeofficial 💖

baileysok1 proud of you kc
--- kayceericeofficial thanks bails

seanlew wow
--- kayceericeofficial :)


49,203 views liked by juliandeguz13 and kensanjose
seanlew Josh let me in the center lol so I took the opportunity dancing with @officialjoshprice and @jayyhancock
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officialjoshprice hahaha no you took the center from me bro!
--- seanlew a humble Price

tahani_anderson I still can't comprehend you and I was there!
--- seanlew I don't either and I was there too!

kayceericeofficial an amazing lewser
--- seanlew thanks ricebowl :)


50,491 views liked baileysok1 and tatimcquay
kayceericeofficial dancing with my girls @tahani_anderson @keshkeshofficial
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tahani_anderson I will always love dancing with you
--- kayceericeofficial always 💜

officialjoshprice okay kaycee show them you're serious out here with those facials
--- kayceericeofficial 😮😁😠 😂lol

seanlew a talented weirdo
--- kayceericeofficial thanks shamu :)

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