*17* Face

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Sean POV

We went over to IMMASpace to meet with Willdabeast and Janelle.

"So what do you think they want to talk about?"

"I don't know, they've been really busy maybe it's for buildabeast?" Kaycee said

"But that's not for a few months, do you think they're planning so far ahead?"

"There's no telling with those two" Kaycee answered

We walk inside and see solely them with four chairs, two of which they were sitting in.

"Please come sit, sit, sit!" Janelle said pointing to the seats across from her and Willdabeast

"So what's up?" I asked

"Well..." Willdabeast started probably trying to find the best way to say what he wanted to tell us

"We formed the connection you two have had for a few months now," Janelle said not wasting any time

"Yeah that" Willdabeast said

"REALLY?!" Kaycee said

"Really" Janelle said

"We somehow created this back in 2013 when we got back together and we noticed how powerful this was," Willdabeast said "Hence why neither of us were too surprised during the beginning of this with our classes you took with us"

"So you passed it to us? Well I guess Jade and Josh first"

"Not exactly..." Willdabeast said

"You see we realize we're not going to be young forever and personally like being behind the scenes so we have been searching for a pair, not necessarily a couple, to become the new face of IMMABeast" Janelle said

"Face of the company?" Kaycee questioned

"Yeah someone young, yet talented and inspirational" Willdabeast said

"We've tried multiple people, Kaelynn Harris, BigWill, NatBat, LilRichSwagg" Janelle said "But they all slowly drifted away from the company when they realized the connection they had was making them improve"

"We call it Static"

"That's a lot simpler than what we called it" Janelle said

"Yeah with those four we tried not pairing them off as they all grew by themselves but with Jade and Josh we tired to make it so they had to be with each other which worked for awhile but while Jade stayed close with the company Josh started doing his own thing so we decided to try again" Willdabeast said

"Yeah there were a lot of candidates to choose from before we landed on you two but we decided against them" Janelle added

"Who were they?" Kaycee asked

"Josh Price was one, he was an original little beast, he grew in the company and slowly got recognition but then he joined S-Rank so he has been spending less time with the company," Willdabeast said

"Tati became busy with other jobs, Julian and Mia are too new in the company, Jay started getting recognition his own way and others just lost touch with the company which is fine but didn't help our search" Janelle explained

"Then we remember how it helped improved the dancers we passed the static to, and we noticed it seemed you two were hitting a wall, which all dancers hit, so we decided to pass it to you" Willdabeast "Obviously as you noticed through these few months that you are now globally recognized"

"Yeah, honestly it's still taking some getting used to" I said with Kaycee nodding in agreement

"Yeah we almost let it get to our heads for a bit" Kaycee said

"Well we felt that after seeing how your dance styles progressed, the recognition you are receiving, and how you're still connected with the company that maybe you will want to be the new beauty and the beast?" Willdabeast asked us


"Obviously not now you aren't even 18 yet and are still growing, as dancers and as people" Janelle added "Just consider it, me and Will are old but not that old we can still run and represent the company for a long time and Jade said she can do it if anything happens"

I look towards Kaycee and I could read her like a book which wasn't hard as we most likely have the same thoughts.

She's appreciative of the opportunity, she's happy she finally has an explanation of the static thing, confused because she was not expecting this today, sadden at the idea of Willdabeast and Janelle possibly not being a huge part of the company anymore and curious on my thoughts. we

"I honestly don't know"

"Yeah one of the main reason I-we joined and stayed with IMMA is because you two made it feel like a big family" Kaycee said as even Willdabeast and Janelle are also known as Papa and mama beast

"Yeah and I know others like Josh, Julian, Jay, Taylor, Nat, anybody would love to! But..."

"But..." Willdabeast said

"It just feels like it wasn't earned by me" I said "It's just a lot of this time you until we got together a part of me always thought it was in our heads, like the placebo affect"

"And now knowing it was some outside force makes me feel like I shouldn't be in that kind of position" Kaycee finished for me

"Yeah I know Josh and Julian for example worked really hard to be where they are now and for me to just catch up because of this always felt a little unfair, but I made the most of this, I'm teaching classes, traveling around the world, got the perfect girl!" I said as Kaycee grabbed my hand

"I'm grateful that you did this for us, who knows when or if I would have ever gotten through that block I had" Kaycee said

"So can we think about it? We still don't know what to do with our dancing skills, Kaycee here has been considering acting"

"Oh no need to rush! We just thought you should know as it has been a few months and that's longer than anyone we gave this static too" Janelle said

"Yeah tell us when you're ready" Willdabeast said as we all stood up from our chairs

"Will do!"

(So I kinda wanted to answer the question of why and how they got the static so I made this chapter! Then partway through I realized there doesn't need a reason really. No one really questions why Raven from That's so Raven has visions and other similar cases.)

(I tried to keep it in reality a little by naming some of Willdabeasts old favorites based off his older choreographies and used the drifting away as an excuse. Some are just busy like BigWill and Tati, while others seemed to have a falling out with Willdabeast and or IMMABeast like KK Harris, so I used Sean and Kaycee loyalty as a factor)

(1 chapter left)

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