*13* Friends

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Sean POV

I woke up and out of instinct thanks to this static situation I tried to do my turns and I still did them perfectly.

It's been over 10 hours...

Maybe the kiss has a longer effect.

Or maybe what Jade and Josh said and that it might have fully settled and I'm permanently good now.

Josh K said that he felt it before Jade and just didn't want to say anything.

Kaycee 💙⚡️💥

How are you feeling?

I'm good thanks Shamu had a great sleep 🤗

I meant dancing wise

Oh I can still dance I guess the kiss worked better than we thought 😜

Okay that's good or maybe not...

How about we have the day off from each other to try to test how long it'll work.

Sure I've been meaning to talk to my girls anyways

Okay good talk to you later Ricebowl

Bros + Ken

Anyone want to hang out today?

Julian: Oh look who finally decided to talk to us

Guys relax it's only been

Josh: 5 weeks

Julian: Even longer for me and Kenny

Sorry I guess I got carried away with all the jobs and Kaycee

Josh: Whatever bro

Come over we can hang out like old times

Kaycee POV

Tati Mcquay House

Tati, Bailey, Tahani, and I were in Tati's bedroom and they did not like me... for good reasons

"I'm sorry" I said again

"How do you not talk to us for over a month" Tati said "You have a phone!"

"I'm sorry"

"Stop saying you're sorry it's annoying" Bailey said

"I got carried away, I'm not used to all these jobs and opportunities, and Sean and I have been getting super close"

"That's so stupid we've all had jobs before you've gone all solo act on us and we always made time to talk to and spend time with you" Tahani said

"It's just that me and Sean-"

"-Look I'm happy for you and your boyfriend" Tati said

"He's not my boyfriend" I said as even though we went on one date we were not together

"Wow all this time and you're not even dating" Bailey said as she rolls her eyes

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