9- Her best interest

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A month had gone by, Harlow was getting weaker by the day and the pain that she has throughout her body had been getting worse. Sadie took Harlow to her doctor's appointment, since Antonio was to be due in court all morning.

After Harlow's screening and her exams, the doctor prescribed her some more medication and a stronger medication for the pain. Dr. Walters explained to Harlow, as well as Sadie, that her bones were extremely frail right now, and to try avoid any activities that could fracture her bones.

Sadie wrote everything down in a notebook, while the doctor was explaining where Harlow is at with her cancer, and what she should be doing at this point. She knew Antonio would be asking questions about it when he got home later, and figured this was the best way to let him know what the doctor said, so she wouldn't forget any of the information that was explained to them.

The doctor also printed off paperwork with his findings, and instructions for what she is supposed to be doing at home. He also provided them with names and phone numbers for hospice care if they were to choose that route.

"Harlow at the stage where you're at, it would be in your best interest to enter hospice. All they will do is help for you to stay comfortable, they will also help you with your medical care and with your pain management.... now, I'm not saying that you must do that, it's just something to think about." Dr. Walters explained to her.

"Thank you, I'll have to talk about it with Antonio." she sighed, she didn't want to hear about entering hospice just yet, and it tore her up inside. She shook his hand, and looked over at her girls who were both sitting next to Sadie, and began to tear up. She sighed and looked at Sadie. "I'm ready to go home."

Once they got home, Harlow went straight upstairs and into her room slamming the door. She didn't want her girls to see her cry, she had been holding her tears back from the doctor's office all the way home, and couldn't hold back anymore. She dropped down on the bed, lying down on her stomach and let it all out, screaming into the bed. "Why me?" she kept asking over and over, while punching her fists down on the bed.

After she calmed herself down, she stood up and walked over to the bottom drawer of her dresser, and grabbed a journal that she had been hiding, she climbed into bed, covered herself with the blankets, and started writing in it.

Sadie had gone upstairs to check on Harlow, she knocked on the door and slightly opened the door, peeking her head in, Harlow grabbed a pillow, and put it over her journal, not wanting her to see it.

"I'm sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if there is anything that I can get for you?"

"No thanks, I'm OK for now."

"OK, let me know if you need anything." she says, before shutting the door, she then heard Harlow call out for her and re-opened the door.

"Did you need something?" Sadie asked, as she stood in the doorway, holding onto the door knob.

"I have a question to ask you." she says, patting the bed for her to sit down.

Sadie felt a little nervous, she wasn't sure what she was going to ask, she didn't think Harlow liked her that much, and was curious as to what she was going to ask her. She walked over to her, sat down on the bed next to her, looked at her, and could see that she had been crying. Harlow looked back at her nodding her head.

"What do you think of my girls?"

Sadie looked at her surprised, and confused by that question "What do I think of them?"

"Yes, I'm curious as to how you feel about them."

"Well... I think they are great kids, they are beautiful, very smart for their age, and I love them as if they were my own children. Why do you ask?"

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