17- We need to talk

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Antonio woke up with Sadie still in his arms, he looked at the time and gently slid her off him, thinking it would be best to leave her room before the kids woke up. He quietly slid out of bed, and walked around Sadie's room looking for his clothes, finding his pants on the floor and remembered that his shirt was taken off by the pool table.

He walked upstairs, and over to the kitchen to make coffee. While waiting for the coffee to brew, he leaned against the counter thinking about what happened between him and Sadie, which made him smile.

The thought of Isabella's question popped through his head and it got him thinking, the more he thought about it, it was making his head hurt. He needed coffee to wake him up, thinking it would make him think more clearly. While the coffee was still brewing, he grabbed a mug and poured himself a cup anyway.

He walked into his office and stood at his desk, looking at all of Harlow's pictures that were still scattered on the desk, he picked one of her pictures up, and sat down looking at it. He felt he betrayed her by sleeping with Sadie, and began apologizing to her, asking her if it would be OK if he moved on, and letting her know that he still loved and missed her.

He also apologized to her about how he had been with their girls, not being there for them, and ignoring them. He sighed hard, apologizing again about how he was about to give up on everyone, and his life, just to be with her. He set the picture down, and gathered all the other pictures, putting them away in the bottom drawer.

Meanwhile Sadie was starting to wake up, and placed her arm across the bed thinking Antonio was still there. She opened her eyes, and looked over at where he was laying, and noticed he wasn't in the bed, she turned her head to the bathroom, and knew he left the room when she saw the door was open and the light off. She pulled the blankets off her, and smiled when she realized that she didn't have any clothes on. She laid there thinking about what happened between her and Antonio, humming at the thought of how the two made love all night, and the multiple orgasms that he had given her.

She got out of bed, put a robe on and threw her hair up into a loose messy bun. She walked up the stairs and into the kitchen to make coffee, seeing that coffee was already made, she poured herself a cup. Antonio walked up behind her and placed a kiss on her neck, making her jump. Spilling her coffee over herself, and all over the floor. She turned around about to yell for scaring her, and stopped when he cupped her face and placed a kiss on her lips.

"Morning." he said quietly with a smile, pulling only inches away from her face, staring down at her lips.

"Morning." she smiled "Thanks for scaring me again, you seem to have a knack for doing that."

He laughed as he walked over to grab some paper towels, and cleaned up the mess. "I'm sorry, I'll have to announce my presence from now on."

She started wiping coffee off her robe, when Antonio walked up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist, and resting his chin on her shoulder. "We should talk about what happened last night." he said, quietly.

"I think so too, but the girls are going to be up soon, it would be best if we were to talk about it when the girls aren't around." She turned around and wrapped her arms up over his neck, and looked into his eyes. Just looking into his eyes, had her heart melting, and her inner core going haywire.

He kissed her lips softly. "That's fine, we can wait until later, I just need to make sure that we're on the same page."

"OK." she says turning around, and leaned against the sink. He placed his hands on her hips, and leaned towards her ear. "Just so you know, I don't regret anything that happened between us." he whispered.

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