25- Moving on

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Antonio opened his eyes and looked over at Sadie, she was snuggled right up against him, and thought she looked extremely beautiful, and peaceful the way she was sleeping. While looking at her he thought of Harlow's letter, and what she expected out of him.

Resting his arm over her body, he leaned forward kissing her forehead. She smiled while her eyes were closed, and let out a happy moan. She puckered up her lips wanting him to kiss her, to which he wasn't going to deny and kissed them.

Upon opening her eyes, she saw Antonio's piercing blue eyes, sparkling back at her. "Morning." she says, with a morning crackle in her voice.

"Good morning." he says back, softly kissing her lips. She wrapped her arm around him and kissed him back, the kiss was so loving and passionate, that it got themselves revved up, and started rolling back and forth on the bed, kissing and moaning. Antonio stopped them from rolling around, and got on top of her, poking her with his erection. He thrusted his cock in her, and began making love to her. He quickly stopped when they heard Isabella outside the door.

"Momma!" Isabella yelled, knocking on the door, causing Antonio and Sadie to jump.

"Shit." Antonio groaned in disappointment, while moving off Sadie.

"What is it Hun?" she called out, as she sat up and covered herself up.

"Gabriella is in bed crying, and she won't stop."

"OK, I'll be right there, give me a minute."

Antonio looked over at Sadie, and sighed. "I can go check on her, you can just stay in bed." he slid out of bed, and realized that he had no clothes in the room while looking for them, and remembered they were outside. Sadie began to laugh when she watched him trying to figure out what to do.

"I have a couple robes hanging on the bathroom door." she giggled. "Put one of those on."

"You want me to put on one of your robes?" he asked. with widened eyes, and looking at her as if she were crazy.

"Well... what else are you going to do? Go upstairs naked? Or would you just like to wear that towel?" she asks, pointing over to the one laying on the ground.

Groaning, he walked over to the bathroom door and looked at his choices, a fluffy white robe or a silky hot pink robe. "You've got to be kidding me." he muttered under his breath, while he stood there staring at the robes.

He shook his head while grabbing the white one, putting that on. He walked out of the bathroom and Sadie busted out laughing "What's wrong with the pink one?" she asked while giggling.

"Very funny, at least I can hurry and make it up to my room, and throw some sweatpants on. This robe barely fits, and is just enough to cover my package if I held the robe together tightly." he says, trying to squeeze the bottom of the robe together, and peeking out the door, making sure Isabella wasn't still around.

He walked out, shutting the door while hearing Sadie laughing hysterically. She laid in bed thinking about her and Antonio, and what Harlow had written to them. As for Antonio asking for her to move into his room, she wouldn't mind it at all, but still felt weird about it. It was hard knowing that was the room he shared with Harlow. She would rather him move down in her room, or into another room. She knew she had to talk to him about it, and needed to let him know what her feelings were about the whole thing.

She put on her pink robe, threw her hair up into a bun, and walked upstairs. She got to the kitchen and could hear Gabriella still crying, wondering if she should go up there and help. She figured that she better wait and see if Antonio would ask for help.

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