26- Honoring Harlow

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It's been a month since Antonio confessed his true feelings for Sadie, he also hired contractors to remodel his bedroom for her. That way Sadie would feel more comfortable staying in the room with him. They also went out, and bought all new bedroom furniture, letting her pick out everything that she wanted.

Sadie was in their newly remodeled room, getting ready for Antonio's big night. He snuck up behind her, as she was putting on a dress that she picked out of the closet, and held out in front of her, a beautiful red dress that he had bought for her, hoping she would wear it to the awards.

While showing her the dress, he kissed her cheek, and spoke into her ear "I bought you this dress this morning, I would love for you to wear it tonight, I think it would be the perfect dress. I also believe that you'll raise a ton of money wearing this." he grinned, as she took the dress from his hands and held it up for her to see it.

"I like it." She turned around, and gave him a kiss "Thank you."

"Personally, I think you look extremely sexy in red." he said, looking at her full of lust, and his eyes turning bluer.

"I think that it's great that they are going to help us raise money in Harlow's memory for breast cancer, and donating the money to the cause." she says, putting an arm around his neck, kissing him.

"Thank you again for the dress, I'll try it on right now." she said excitedly, and couldn't wait to see what it looked like on her.

"You're welcome."

Antonio couldn't wait to see her in the dress, he watched her walk away. At first, he stood there waiting for her to come out, but changed his mind. "I'll just wait for you downstairs; Ethan is here anyway."

Sadie tried on the dress from Antonio, and stood there checking herself out in front of the mirror, loving the dress from him. She then finished her look off, by putting on her make up, and doing her hair. She thought her look was perfect and was excited to raise money in Harlow's memory, hoping that it all goes well.

Since Antonio was a well-respected attorney in the area, and with the other attorneys that will be there, and most of them knowing who Harlow was, she figured it should be a good turnout.

She grabbed her red stilettos, and carried them down with her. Her entrance into the living room turned the heads of Antonio and Ethan, with Antonio's mouth dropping, and Ethan couldn't stop looking at her.

"What do you think?" she asked Antonio, modeling the dress to him.

"Forget what he thinks, I think you look amazingly beautiful. You'll be making my sister proud, that's for sure." Ethan blurted out.

Antonio turned to Ethan, giving him a dirty look and not too thrilled about his comment. "First of all, your first remark was uncalled for, and yes she will be making Harlow proud."

"I was only trying to be funny, chill out man." Ethan grinned, he noticed that Antonio was still giving him the evil eye, and gave Antonio a shove from behind. "Relax... besides, I'd like to know, how were you so lucky to get two beautiful women, back to back like this?"

Antonio turned around and faced Ethan, wanting to smack him upside the head. Ethan's eyes got wide, and stuck his arm out. "Damn Antonio chill, all I'm saying is you're a damn lucky guy, that's all."

"That's right, I am a lucky guy, and don't forget that. You do realize that I still owe you a punch in the mouth." He says, grinning back at Ethan.

"You can do that another time, you two have somewhere to be." Ethan joked.

Antonio turned around and walked back over to Sadie. "You look wonderful, are you ready to do this?"

"I'm a little nervous, but I'm ready." Sadie put on her shoes and took Antonio's arm as he held it out for her, and walked her out to the limo.

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