36- Truth will set you free

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Grace looked up at the man, surprised that he just called her Nadia. "Excuse me?" she asked, scared.

The man took his eyes away from Grace, and looked at Antonio.

"Antonio, I have the paperwork you requested right here, may I sit down?"

Antonio stood up extending his arm out to the open seat next to Grace "Please sit down." Grace looked at the man worried as he sat down next to her, wondering who he was, why he was there, and how he knew to call her Nadia.

Sadie looked at Antonio with a confused look, and looked over at her mom studying her reaction, then looked at the man that sat down next to Grace "Who are you?" asked Sadie.

"My name is David, Antonio's investigator. He asked me to check into your mother's claims." He looked at Grace, giving her an apologetic look. "I'm very sorry, I didn't mean to scare you by calling you Nadia, I wanted to see if it was in fact you." He handed Antonio the paperwork he requested, and looked at Sadie.

"Your mother's claims check out, whatever she told you is the truth, Nadia is her hidden identity name that the witness protection program gave her."

Grace looked at Antonio in shock. "You had me investigated?"

"Yes... I wanted to make sure you were not here to cause any problems with Sadie, and I wanted to make sure that your claims were the truth. After all these years she didn't need someone coming into her life, causing any more pain." He looked at Sadie "When I found a couple reports that were filed a year ago, the names didn't match, Nadia Baker was listed as one of the names."

"The men who had kidnapped Grace, holding her for years have been arrested, they have been sitting in the Clark County Detention Center awaiting to be transported to prison."

Grace started feeling relieved, and looked at Sadie. "I wasn't lying, I'm really sorry that this happened, and for years I regretted my decision to leave the room that night."

"I'm sorry that I doubted you, but you have to understand my point of view." Sadie says, wiping away tears from her eyes.

"I understand."

Antonio looked at David, and smiled. "Thank you, you did good."

He then looked at Sadie, and leaned into her ear, whispering. "Sure." she whispered back.

Antonio sat up straight, while tapping his fingers on the table, thinking. He was curious to know more about her, and felt that Sadie and Grace could use some alone time, and to sort things out between them.

"Well... you're welcome to come to our home, and talk more if you would like." Antonio says to Grace.

Grace smiled, she was happy to finally have found Sadie, and wanted nothing more than to catch up on what she missed. "I would love to. It would be nice to catch up on all the years that I have missed with her." She looked at Sadie smiling, with tears forming in her eyes. She couldn't believe this day finally came, and wanted nothing more than to hold her in her arms, and to never let go.

On the way home Sadie was quiet, and looked out the window the entire time. Antonio knew she was hurting, and rested his hand on her thigh "Are you OK?"

She turned her head towards him, partially smiling. "I'll be fine, I was just remembering that night, that's all. I was at that hotel for about a week until my grandma came and got me. The whole time I was there, I pretty much sat in that room waiting for my mom to return, and hoping that she would, it was the worst feeling in the world. All these years, I seriously thought that she was dead. When Isabella handed me the phone yesterday, and I heard her voice on the other end, I dropped the phone thinking that someone was playing a cruel trick on me."

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