16- Heated passion

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"Antonio?" Sadie said again, trying to get his attention.

Antonio was trying not to look at them, and looked the other way. He didn't know why, but it bothered him seeing Ethan kiss Sadie, and was holding back from saying anything to them, knowing that he had no say in what they do.

"Go have fun." Antonio said in a mocking tone, as he pushed himself away from Ethan's vehicle, and walked away. Sadie kept her eyes on Antonio, while he walked away from them. She could tell that he didn't want her to go, and wondered why he didn't try stopping her from going out with Ethan.

Ethan walked over to the passenger door, and opened it for her, closing the door after she was in. He walked around the car looking all around him, smiling ear to ear. He too, could tell Antonio was not liking him taking her out.

At the movies, Sadie was quiet, and couldn't get the kiss she shared with Antonio earlier out of her mind. Ethan noticed how quiet she had been, and wrapped his arm around her, hoping to get some sort of reaction out of her, and didn't.

After the movie was over, he took her out to eat, nothing fancy, but just to your typical burger joint, figuring that would be more appropriate, so that they could talk.

"So, you and Harlow got pretty close?" Ethan asked, while taking a bite of his burger.

"Yes, towards the end, she was pretty open with me. When I first started working for them, she was hard on me, and took a few months for her to finally accept me."

"At least, she's now back with my parents." He said quietly.

Sadie tilted her head to the side, giving him a questionable look. "I didn't know they were gone. When did they pass?"

"Two years ago, they were killed while riding their motorcycle." he says quietly, taking a deep breath. He sighed, and looked down at his plate, staring at his fries.

"Wow, what happened?"

"They went out riding after church, a young girl not paying attention and was on her phone, pulled out in front of them, killing them."

"That's so sad." She looked away, feeling bad for asking. She could see it still bothered him.

"Harlow took it pretty hard, she was really close to them, especially our mother."

"Sorry to hear that, I wondered why they weren't at the funeral, and never came around to visit with her while she was sick."

"I never did either, which I feel really guilty about. She did call me about a week before she died, and asked me to make sure the girls and Antonio remained happy."

"She wanted the best for everyone. I just hope that Antonio snaps out of the depression that he's in." Sadie quietly said, while staring at her food. Antonio then came to her mind, and started worrying about him, wondering what he was up to.

Sadie barley ate her meal, thinking about Antonio's gun he had earlier, pressed against the side of his head. Feeling a little relieved that she grabbed the ammo from him, hoping he didn't have any more hidden.

"I don't mean to cut this short, but I really should get home and check on the girls. Antonio was really out of it earlier." she said politely, not wanting Ethan to know what she walked in on earlier.

Ethan paid the bill, and brought her home. Once he pulled into the driveway, he put the car in park and leaned over to her, trying to kiss her. She ignored his advance, and turned her head quickly, grabbing a hold of the door handle to open the door.

"Whoa, hold on. I can get that for you." He opened his door, and hurried around the vehicle, opening the door for her.

"Thanks, it was nice." she says, smiling as she got out.

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