10- Away from home

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Antonio waiting for Sadie's response, when she didn't respond, he tried again. "I'd really like it if you could join us, all expenses paid." he says, with a smile.

"Of course, I will, someone has to help watch the girls, and I wouldn't miss their birthday for anything." she happily accepted.

"Great, I'm just hoping that Harlow will be able to handle it, she's pretty weak right now." he sighed, trying to picture her having fun.

"Where do you plan on taking them?"

Antonio looked over at the girls, and smiled "Walt Disney World."

When the girls heard where he said he will be taking them, they got even more excited, and started jumping up and down.

"Oh, how fun!" Sadie said excitedly, while looking at the girls. She knew they would have a blast there, and couldn't wait to see their smiling faces when they get to meet their favorite characters.

"The girls have been wanting to go for a while now, and every time they see a commercial for it, they beg to go. I thought it would be nice for Harlow to see the girls enjoy it, and have their dreams come true before...." He realized what he was about to say, and didn't want to say it in front of his little girls "I just want Harlow to be a part of it, the girls experiencing Magic Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, etcetera."

"I'm sure she would like that, if anything I know they rent out wheelchairs, if she needed one.... it's just a thought."

"Yes, I'm sure she will probably want to use one while we're there, she may feel a little embarrassed by it, but who cares. It wouldn't be a bad idea, and easier for her to enjoy."

"Well, I'm going to go set everything up, and let Harlow know." he says sounding happy.

Sadie turned around and stared at the piano, she's always wanted a Grand piano, and here she was playing one. She started remembering when she first started playing, and was thinking that she could start teaching the girl how to play.

"Sadie, can you play us another song?" Gabriella asked politely.

"Sure." she smiled. Gabriella sat down next to her, and started playing her favorite song, one she always liked to play, Canon in D.

As she was playing the piano, Antonio stopped in the hallway, listening to her play. He thought she was playing the song perfectly, and was still surprised to see she knew how to play. He turned around to go back and watch her, and stood in the doorway, not wanting her to know he was there, watching and listening to her play. He leaned the back of his head against the wall and closed his eyes, while listening to the music, and couldn't help but smile.

He began to clap, when she finished, causing her to turn around quickly. "I thought you were getting things done?"

"I was, until I heard you play that song, and had to watch you play. You played it so beautifully, elegantly and perfect." he said in amazement. "I'm just so amazed that you can play, and play so well."

"Do you play?" Sadie asked.

"I do." he smiled. "I haven't played in a while with everything going on lately. Maybe I should start playing again, it might help take my mind off things, at least for a little bit."

She grinned. "You'll have to play for me sometime."

He nodded his head "I can do that." he says, giving her a wink. He turned around and walked away, and walked into his office to log into his laptop. He booked the hotel, and called his pilot letting him know the details and to have the plane ready, then called his personal limo driver giving him the details.

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