42-Bonus Chapter

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Three years later:

Isabella and Gabriella are now ten, Luca and Lilliana are four, and Brandon is three. The girls were running around the house with their Halloween costumes on, chanting as they were dressed up as cheerleaders.

Luca and Lilliana were dressed up as a cowboy and cowgirl, they were having fun with their hats and the sounds of their cowboy boots as they walked across the kitchen floor. Sadie was trying to get Brandon's outfit on, and was feeling sick, she then hightailed it to the bathroom.

She sat on the floor near the toilet feeling like she puked up her entire insides, and trying to think of what she ate that would have gotten her so sick. She had quit taking the pill about a year ago, because of developing some serious side effects from the pill, so Antonio had been using a condom the entire time.

She grabbed a glass of water and continued to put on Brandon's costume, dressing him up as a pirate. She had all the kids stand next to each other and took their pictures.

Sadie walked into Antonio's office and went over to sit on his lap. As she sat down, she wrapped her arm around him and sighed

"I don't know if I'll be able to take the kids out tonight." she says, caressing his cheek.

"Why, what's going on?"

"I have been feeling sick lately, and just got done puking my entire insides out."

"Pregnant?" Antonio asked, then chuckled.

"We've been using protection, so I don't think so."

Antonio curled his finger under her chin, and pressed his lips to hers, kissing her lips softly, he pulled back and looked in her eyes, giving her the look that made her melt every time he looked at her.

"Remember Ethan and Melissa's engagement party?" he asked with a grin

"Yes why?" she says, thinking back to it. She remembered that she drank a little too much champagne, and that they disappeared for a little while, having sex in the public bathroom and nearly getting caught by an employee of the banquet hall.

Sadie's eyes got wide "Oh no..."

Antonio was grinning from ear to ear, thinking that if she was pregnant, he wouldn't complain one bit. "I believe that night would have been your fault, you insisted on having sex that night, right then and there." he laughed "Go get yourself a pregnancy test."

Antonio looked at her, while rubbing her stomach "Ethan will be here shortly, you can stay here, and he can help with the kids if that's OK."

"I guess so. I'd hate to miss out on them going out in their costumes, they all look so damn cute."

"It's completely up to you, I'm not going to force you to go out if you're sick..."

Sadie got off Antonio's lap when she heard Ethan talking with the kids. She walked into the living and busted out laughing when she saw Ethan.

 She walked into the living and busted out laughing when she saw Ethan

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