13- Fly high

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Antonio's heart dropped, his hands began to shake and dropped his phone. "I'm sorry... I have to go." he says, picking up his phone, and quickly leaving the office in a panic. He hurriedly ran to his car, and squealed his tires out of the parking lot. He ran every red light that got in his way, and hoped that no cop was around.

Antonio pulled into the driveway, leaving his car door open as he got out quickly and ran into the house, also leaving the front door wide open while he ran up the stairs, skipping steps to get to the bedroom faster. He ran over to Harlow and lifted her up, and held her in his arms.

"Harlow! Wake up! Harlow!" he cried out, patting her face. He looked at Sadie in tears, and yelled frantically. "Call 911!"

"I already did, they should be here any second." she said in tears.

"Harlow, please wake up, please...." Antonio begged, with tears flooding his eyes.

The paramedics arrived, and Sadie directed them up over to the bedroom. They walked over to Antonio, and set their things down on the ground. "Sir, I need you to let go of her please."

As much as he didn't want to let her go, but knew he had to, he laid her on the ground, he stood up crossing his arms, and watched them work on her, then covered his mouth as he watched. The girls ran into the bedroom to see what was going on. "Daddy?" Isabella asked.

"Girls, you need to get out of here right now." Antonio said in a panic, pushing them out of the room, and calling for Sadie to grab them. He rushed back over to Harlow, not caring they were still working on her and kneeled on the ground next to her. He could see she was barely breathing. They asked him to step back while they placed her on a stretcher. They carried her down the stairs, and put her into the ambulance. "I'm coming with." Antonio said quietly, and shook up.

He had Sadie stay with the girls while he went to the hospital with Harlow. On the way to the hospital Antonio kept an eye on her vitals, panicking when he saw that her numbers weren't very good. Once they arrived at the hospital, they rushed her inside.

Antonio was then met with a team of doctors and nurses, asking what exactly happened. He insisted on going into the room with her after the doctors told him that he had to stay behind while they worked on her.

At that moment there was no time to argue with him, and he got his way. He tried watching them as they worked on her, but had to look away, and looked down at the ground. He knew it was time, and placed his face in his hands, praying for God to help her.

They were tried their hardest with her, while Antonio prayed. He heard the noises of the machines, and just knew she was gone. He didn't even have to look up to know what the sounds were, and cried.

One of the doctors walked up to Antonio placing his hand on his back. "I'm sorry your-... "

"I know..." he blurted out, covering his head with his hands.

"I'm sorry." the doctor said sounding sincere.

The doctor pulled the sheet over her face, and Antonio quickly stood up. "Please, can you give me a few minutes with her before you take her away?"

"Certainly." One of the nurses said to him. "We'll give you a few minutes with her." she says, looking at him with sadness in her eyes. As the doctor's and nurses left the room, he walked up to Harlow and pulled the sheet down away from her face, and grabbed her hands, holding them tight. He leaned down and kissed her forehead, and moved down to her nose, then moved to her lips, giving her a long hard kiss, not wanting to release his lips from hers. When he finally released his lips from hers, he stood there staring at her, talked to her, and apologized to her, begging for her to come back.

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