31- Sadie vs. Giorgia

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Meanwhile, after Giorgia and Giovanni had left to go back to the guest house, Sadie felt that it went OK. Although she had hoped Giorgia would have been happier about the pregnancy, she felt hurt that she showed no emotions and had nothing to say about the news.

Antonio, Sadie and Ethan went downstairs to shoot some pool after the girls went to bed, so the guys could have a couple cocktails and to talk.

Antonio poured a couple shots, handing one to Ethan. "I'm glad that went well earlier." he says to Ethan, raising his shot glass to Ethan's for a toast.

"Yea it went OK, until I heard your mom smart off to your dad." Ethan says, touching his glass to Antonio's.

"Why? What did she say?" Sadie asked worried.

Ethan slammed his shot, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand and looked at her. "That you trapped Antonio really good now, for becoming pregnant."

"That Bitch!" Sadie yelled, she looked at Antonio after realizing what she said, furrowing her eyebrows. "Sorry, but she is, I swear if she doesn't knock it off, I'm going to say something that I won't regret."

Antonio sighed "She was like this with Harlow too. I just don't get it."

"Jealousy?" she questioned.

"I doubt it, she's always been over protective of me, ever since I was a little kid, but not like this. I guess I'm going to have to have another talk with her."

"No, let me talk to her. She owes me an explanation." Sadie says, walking over to Antonio giving him the look.

Antonio tilted his head back "Do you really think that's a good idea?"

"Yes, I want to know what her problem is with me."

Antonio's hands raised up, not thinking that it was a good idea. "Well that's completely up to you."

Sadie walked over to Ethan with a smirk. "By the way, I thought you were bringing your new girlfriend over for us to meet?" Sadie asked, playfully shoving his shoulder.

"Nah, she's pissed at me." Ethan says looking down at his drink.

"Why? How can she be mad at you already?" Sadie asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

He chuckled "I told her that I traded my bed in for a trampoline, she then came over to check it out and she hit the roof."

Antonio laughed "Really?"

Sadie looked at Ethan wide eyed "You aren't serious, are you?"

Ethan laughed "Hell no... I'm not serious, she's pissed at me because she wanted to move in with me, and I told her that I wasn't ready for that yet. Shit.... I just met the girl."

Ethan's phone rang, and looked at his phone to see who was calling. "Speak of the devil." he says grinning, getting ready to answer the phone. He placed the phone to his ear, and smiled, "What's up sweet cheeks?"

Antonio and Sadie decided to go to bed after Ethan's girlfriend picked him up. As they were walking up the stairs, Antonio kept thinking about how he was about to have two more kids, how his love for Sadie was growing even more each day, and stronger. He was so extremely in love with her, it was starting to scare him. He didn't think that he could ever love anyone as much as he loved Harlow.

When they started walking into the bedroom, he grabbed Sadie's hand and spun her around, pinning her against the wall. "You have no idea how much I love you." he says, crashing his lips hard against hers. "I am so much in love with you." he says, kissing her again.

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