22- Confession

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On the way home Antonio couldn't keep his hands off Sadie, he laid her on the seat kissing her hard and very demanding. He slid his hand up under her dress, and suddenly stopped kissing her, and looked at her. Looking at her full of lust, and with a devilish grin when he realized that she wasn't wearing any panties.

An excited groan escaped his mouth, and crashed his lips back onto hers, while sliding two fingers between her essence, and thrusted inside her. She let out a thrilling moan, and arched her back while digging her nails into his back, loving the feeling that he was doing to her below. She was very wet and excited, and wanting him to place his cock inside her that very moment.

What he was doing to her, had her head spinning, almost as if she was about to pass out from the amazing orgasms, he was giving her. She covered her mouth and tried to muffle her moans, embarrassed that the driver would hear her.

She was just about to cum again, until they heard the driver announce that they were home. He pulled his fingers out of her, and tasted her sweetness. "Hope Ethan leaves right away, I want to finish this." he grinned, grabbing the extra bottle of champagne while they exited the limo.

They slowly walked towards the house, hand in hand. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder, and began kissing her neck while they walked, that sent goosebumps up her spine "God, you smell amazing." he groaned, quietly.

Ethan was sitting on the couch watching TV, when they walked in the door. "Wow, you two kids are home early, I wasn't expecting you both until later." he says surprised.

"We decided to make it an early night, I hope the kids were good for you." Antonio says, pacing back and forth, hoping for Ethan to get the hint and leave.

"They were good, no issues at all." He looked at Antonio, and could see that he had something on his mind, and wasn't sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing. He could tell something was up and thought about asking, but then had a feeling of what it was, and stood up stretching. "Well hopefully your dinner was good... I'm going to get going I do have to get up early."

Antonio smiled on the inside, happy that Ethan was leaving and hurriedly walked him to the door, shaking his hand and thanking him for watching the girls, practically pushing Ethan out the door as he took a step out.

Sadie stood at the counter drinking a glass of champagne, while he was with Ethan, she poured a glass for Antonio and set it on the counter. He was excited Ethan left, and walked over to Sadie, and nibbled on the back of her neck, making her giggle.

"I wasn't sure if he was going to leave, by the way he acted I think that he got the hint." he whispered in her ear, and kissing her cheek. She smiled as his warm breath tickled her ear, making her nipples hard. She turned around and stared into his eyes, the blueness of his eyes was causing her to melt and her heart began to race. "Kiss me." she demanded.

He cupped her face, and pressed his lips onto hers, with his tongue dominating hers in a heated kiss that had them both on fire.

"Wait." she says, pulling away from him. "Not here, in case the girls wake up."

She grabbed his hand taking him down the stairs. As they got to the bottom step, he pressed her up against the wall and devoured her mouth, while his hands uncontrollably felt her body.

He helped pull her dress up over body, and dropped it to the floor. He felt himself getting hot and revved up for her and began kissing her up and down her body, and as he reached her pussy, he gave it a couple licks before picking her up and carrying her to her room, laying her on the bed. She sat up, started pulling his belt off in a hurry, and pulled his pants down like a raging wild woman.

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