Imagine #102: Tumblr 5

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Here we go again boys and girls. You know what the fuck is going on here.

Y/n: your real name
H/n: your hunter name

Don't forget to close those pretty eyes and pull up these scenarios in your head. I think it just makes it cuter.

Warnings: language and hella fluff and cuteness


[gif of Jensen and Jared smiling brighter than the world as Y/n enters the room]

Misha666: they look so happy when she comes in, they just... look... so fucking happy.

Supernatural-is-life: I have never in my life seen two grown men get so completely flustered and giddy the way they do with her omg


[gifset of Jensen telling a story about Y/n at a solo panel]

Thebeemoviesucks: "You know, someone asked me a couple weeks ago what I would consider to be Jared, Y/n, and my real-life superpower, and for a long time I couldn't really think of just one answer, but I think now I've decided that for Y/n, her superpower is her personality in general. In all my years, I've never met someone as happy as she is, all the time. I swear, every single time we're with her, be it at a panel or on set or in our trailers or wherever, every single time, she leaves me or Jared or both of us a smiling, just-- blushing mess. Like, I remember one time when someone asked-- it was me, her, and Jared at a panel-- and someone asked us to describe each other in three words. And me and Jared, we were like joking with each other and stuff, and giving really generic stuff like hardworking or whatever, and the entire time Y/n's just sort of silent, and suddenly she just looks up and she's like, 'can I have four? I need four, and I've got an answer for both of them.' And the girl who asked the question was like 'sure' and Y/n just looks at me and Jared and goes-- real calmly-- just goes, 'loves of my life'. *crowd awes as Jensen pauses*-- and I swear to God, Jared and I both swooned. We were blushing like mad and just, smiling these big, dumb smiles, and she just looked so happy. Cause that's the kind of person she is and it's so precious and she's the most adorable thing you'll ever meet."


Misha666: he's not lying, either, the way they look at her sometimes, and how easily she leaves them with burning eyes and big ole' fucking grins. It's amazing


[slow-motion scene of H/n walking into a warehouse where Sam, Dean, and Cas are being held captive by Lucifer. She's supposed to be dead, which is why they all seem super surprised when she saunters in, twirling an angel blade dramatically cause she's extra af, a way-too-sexual smirk on her blood-splattered face as Sam and Dean lose their shit and Lucifer freaks out because, 'what the fuck I killed you and they watched how are you here']

Doctorwhomstlocknatural: okay, so you have [nickname for H/n], the precious bean who steals her brothers' clothes and forces Cas to watch Disney movies with her and braids Sam's hair and makes Dean pie and loves cuddles, and then you have H/N FUCKING WINCHESTER, WHO LITERALLY FIGHTS HER WAY OUT OF HELL AFTER BEING TORTURED BY THE FUCKING DEVIL HIMSELF AND COMPLAINS THAT SHE GOT DEMON BLOOD ON HER FAVORITE JACKET WITH A SHIT-EATING GRIN AND DOESNT EVEN BREAK A SWEAT WHEN SHE KILLS HUNDREDS OF DEMONS BECAUSE SHE'S ON A MISSION TO SAVE HER BOYS AND NOTHING IS GONNA STAND IN HER FUCKING WAY.



[gif of seven-year old H/n crying while giving a big dramatic monologue at John's grave, her voice thick with emotion but also strong and shit]

Hunchbackofnotredamnbaby: you know what Y/n has gotta be the greatest fucking child actor I've ever seen I'd even go as far as to say she's greater than some adult actors because look how clearly you can see the pain on her face and how fucking real her hurt seems and they filmed this scene and it was really hard for her but she toughed up and got through it but then the filmed it AGAIN and she did it again with as much if not more emotion and dedication than she did the first time around and honestly it looked so real that I felt bad for Y/n as well as H/n.

Whodoyouthinkyouareiam: a few more examples to prove Y/n is the greatest young actress on Earth:

[gif of H/n being possessed by a demon, acting completely different than the normal H/n]

[gif of H/n being tortured, tears streaming down her cheeks as she screams and yells in pain that seems so real it hurts the audience]

[gif of behind the scenes stuff in which Y/n is filming a fast-paced fight scene with lots of choreographed stunts and flips and kicks and shit, all of which Y/n refuses to let a stunt-double do for her]

[gif of H/n in Dean's ideal world from What Is and What Should Never Be except she's older than she canonically would've been and now she's not a huntress but a normal bratty teen]


For this one I imagined the panel in which the cast and the director's are all in the talk seats that look like director's chair and Misha is on the end of the row in a super short like beach chair, if y'all know what I'm talking about

[gif of Y/n leaving her tall director's seat at a Comic-Con panel and sitting in Misha's lap in his tiny chair]

Supernatural-is-life: Jared and Jensen wouldn't stop making fun of Misha so Y/n just whacked them both in the head like a mom and plopped herself in Misha's lap and I'm honestly so living for this she's so cute

HarryandtheHendrecksons: hey but did you notice that Jensen and Jared left Misha alone after Y/n hit them

Misha666: yeah it's cause she's their mom, duh. It's like being scolded, she just subdues them


[gif of H/n helping a drunk Sam and Dean to bed, helping them undress and tucking them in with kisses and fingers running through hair and leaving water glasses and Advil on their bedside tables for when they wake up in the morning hungover]

Kinkyboots: Mom!H/n is my absolute fucking favorite.

Myrealnaneisfatpatricia: well, they needed a mom since the first one burned on their ceiling.

Misha666: you can leave now


[just a giant fucking gifset of kisses, hug, and cuddles between H/n and Sam and Dean or Y/n and Jensen and Jared]


Castiellawinchestress: yes that is correct

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