xi - decisions

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ONE MORE JUMP SCARE from Hoseok-hyung and I swear I'd faint any sooner. The moment Taehyung and I step out of the elevator, Hoseok appears out of thin air and shouted 'Boo!' which sends me back into the elevator pinned against the wall, and Taehyung losing his balance eventually landing on his ass on the floor.

How many times has Hoseok been doing this? When he discovered that he has the ability to hide in the shadows, even turn invisible, he keeps on popping out of nowhere scaring every one of us—except for Yoongi. Hoseok did that once, but it turned haywire. Yoongi stared at him blankly and kept walking. It was really embarrassing, I felt sorry for him.

I help Taehyung stand up and we get out before the doors would close. His face seems traumatized maybe because he isn't really expecting for that.

"Why must he do that?" He trembles and glares at Hoseok who materializes behind Jimin, scaring him that makes Jimin jump in his seat and choke out his food. I know, it's disgusting.

"Hyung, I think you should stop doing that when someone's eating," I say taking a seat beside Jimin. Taehyung scoots next to me.

"I didn't know he was eating. But I did it, anyway," he shrugs, taking a seat just when the elevator opens again. Namjoon steps out and looks at me firstly. "And do we always have to use the elevator? There are stairs people."

"Try using the stairs and you'll get haunted forever," Taehyung says sarcastically. I haven't even tried the stairs. When I looked first at it, it was gloomy and bleak. And the steps seem so endless, I don't feel like using it.

"I guess I'm late?" Namjoon sits across the table.

"Not at all," Hoseok smiles. "Where's Jin-hyung?"

"He said he already ate, so he wouldn't be able to join us now."

"Is that so?" His enthusiasm dies down a bit. "Well, I guess it's just five of us now."

Namjoon nods. "After we eat, there's a lot I gotta tell you guys. Good and bad news."

"Good and bad news?" Taehyung leans forward in curiosity. "Can't wait to hear those."

"Is Omega coming?" Jimin asks with a mouthful of noodles.

Namjoon shakes his head. "She's taking care of something which is related to what I'll tell you. I want you all to listen eagerly to what I'm gonna say later."

The rest of us nod. I look down at my food, thinking back to the events that happened earlier in the alley, then I being saved by Omega. She is the reason why I was still alive. If she didn't come, I'm certain my life's over.

I didn't realize that everyone else is already done with their dinner, like a second passes and their plates have already gone empty. I jump in my seat and turn to Taehyung who is now calling my name.

"Dude, everyone's done eating and you still haven't taken any of your food. Is something bothering you?"

"Huh, me?" I quickly look away, embarrassingly yet trying to look as calm as Namjoon. All eyes are set on me and I could feel the heat rising and tensing. If I told them I was thinking of Omega, they might take it the wrong way. Aish, I guess I'll just eat and let Namjoon-hyung tell the news. Ignoring their gaze, I settle on eating my food, but before doing so I tell Namjoon that he can tell the news as I eat.

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