xxx - secrets

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영선, 부산
송 히 경
전 상 민

22nd October, 2032

Log 2034.

       This is what I'm currently working on, Heekyung. The said project must be launched on the said year. It aims to take all the best specimens of Busan—not just that. Seoul's DILG has even agreed to the plan and has offered me a great deal. They already have started partaking in picking up the candidates in every province. As of now, the Secretary told me to stay put and continue doing my job.

       The hospital staff doesn't seem to mind and are happily interested of the superb project to be held. There are lots of rumors round the avenue, but don't worry, it's under control. My nurses are doing a pretty great job in their practice. Everything's in progress I would say. Moreover, I've already talked it up with the provincial governor and he said the facilities will be fixed and renovated.

       I can't believe that all our efforts will come to a great prize, Heekyung. Our dreams have finally come true. This will be the best project we are about to create. I think that you should come visit my office some time.

       Please let me know if there are any changes regarding Jungkook's progress. I would like to know if his vitals are doing fine. Thank you for supporting me in my decisions, Heekyung. This is a better start for a whole new life for him.


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한려, 서울
전 상 민
송 히 경

23rd October, 2032


       Jungkook's doing fine. The therapy was wonderfully successful, and I'm really happy to show you to him one day. His heartbeat is beyond normal, but I can guarantee that there are no casualties regarding his health. His temperature is cold, but I guess it's only an effect of being cloned from his original. The blood pressure is fine—normal for his species. Glucose—still on progress.

       Unfortunately, he has slurred speech, but I cannot assume yet for it's only been weeks since he was released from the laboratory. But apart from that, his senses are good news. His vision is a perfect 20/20, or maybe beyond ordinary, for one time he has been looking at his surroundings and spotted a small spider at the corner of the kitchen, when he was sitting on the sofa in the living room. And speaking of which, Jungkook loves to spend the day sitting on the sofa, watching that small cactus plant in front of him. He also has a sharp sense of hearing and can basically hear what's going on in the whole house.

       Regarding his physical fitness, I can say that he is stronger than me. He was able to carry the dining table on his own while helping us with cleaning. I love how he calls me 'Father' and Isseun 'Mother'. But don't worry, he will find out soon who you are, at the right time.

       By the way, I would like to know if there is in anyway I can help.


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연선, 부산
송 히 경
전 상 민

5th August, 2033


       I'm sorry. I know that you're upset of me suddenly leaving like that, but I have no choice. I have to leave Busan immediately before the police can find me.

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