xxxv - snowstorm

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TAEHYUNG WAS SURE OF WHAT TO DO AS THE OTHERS DISTRACTED THE CREATURES: Head straight to the car and protect Seokjin. That was the last thing Yoongi told him before he and Seokjin sprinted away from them towards a different route. He thought it was easy and that they would soon reach the car unscathed, but it turns out that getting there is more difficult than he expected. The two of them stop on their tracks when they catch a small group of creatures tear away from their fellows, running right towards Taehyung and Seokjin's direction as they shrieked.

"Holy hera—what do we do?" Seokjin panics while shifting behind Taehyung, who squints his eyes toward a tiny, dark object from afar.

"Can you run?" asks Taehyung anxiously, the zombies getting nearer; he can make out about five of them, their gnashing teeth becoming clearer in sight as they drip of mixed blood and saliva. Seokjin eyes him warily while shouting in a rather nervous tone, "'Course!"


They set off for a run. Taehyung can feel the wind becoming stronger and colder whenever it hits his face that he has to squint his eyes from the dirt that might enter. Seokjin follows up just behind him and as Taehyung turns his head over his shoulder, he couldn't believe it. The zombies are chasing after them, and what is more is that their eyes are still glowing white amidst the afternoon clearing, but something in their eyes seems to bulge out—something round and smaller as if they had irises now.

Fear comes surging through his mind as he turns his head back straight ahead, his heart throbbing heavily and his breathing becoming narrower. Although he wished it never happened, what he saw in the creatures' eyes seems too real. And the fact that they are too far from them, makes real sense that they are not blind anymore.

The creatures can see them.

Come on, Taehyung grits his teeth as he runs. Just a bit more. . .

The sight of the car parked under a huge oak tree zooms in, the insides of Taehyung filling with hope at the least aside from the adrenaline rushing through his veins. He could feel himself coming near, merely a ten meters away, when a high shrill of agony resounds throughout the clearing and sends a ringing to his ears. Seokjin, who has just kept close behind, also hears it. They both shot their heads to where the scream originated just a few meters away, the zombies that are supposed to be after them going berserk at the sound and wheeling around, sprinting off back towards the much larger group as they screech and wring their arms around one another.

No. Taehyung thought as his stomach starts to churn. It can't be one of them. . . "Hyung we gotta go!" He tugs onto Seokjin's sleeve and pulls it, but Seokjin doesn't budge. "Hyung!"

"NO!" Seokjin points toward the crowd of zombies, his voice croaking.

Taehyung squints his eyes, but he sees no sign of Yoongi. Not even Jinyoung and Namjoon. The hordes seem to wrench one another's heads, the clearing being filled with growls and screeches and the spurting of blood. They wait for a moment, hoping that the other three would come out, but when it takes too long, hope seems to fade away in Taehyung.

They can't be dead. . . Taehyung thought miserably. They're coming out. They're still alive, just out there somewhere. . .

But the only thing he can see are the zombies, nothing more. Seokjin lets out a curse, eventually not being able to stop himself from sobbing. "Joon. . . Come on now, don't leave me hanging like this!"

"We have to go, hyung," Taehyung whispers, completely giving up. “Yoongi-hyung said we should go whatever happens—”

"No!" Seokjin sends Taehyung a glare before looking back to to the zombies. None of the creatures seem to notice the two of them from behind. "We're not leaving until we see at least—at least one of them is alive!" he shouts in fury. "We're not going, Taehyung! We can't leave them behind!—"

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