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Please check out my book "The debris left behind" which I wrote for a contest.Please vote for it ❤️
Recap: Sara got a threatening call. She was revisited by a guy who claimed he was Aditya,her best friend. She found out his truth that he was lying. Also,she and Mr Malhotra talked about Mr Singh and his scam. Also,Sara is left a bit shocked when Mr Malhotra reveals about Sanjana's miscarriage that he knew.Now what next?
Read on.
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C h a p t e r - 68

"The truth." Dumbledore sighed.
"It is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should
therefore be treated with great caution."

J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone


| S A R A |

My mouth went dried at his words.
But until I could make a conclusion,I saw Mr Malhotra sigh before looking at me.
He came a step closer and cupped my face.
I didn't protest. Instead it felt all natural.Like it is meant to be.
His breath hit me on my face and I watched him amidst silence.
His finger ran through my cheeks as he spoke,"I know,you have lots of question.Just wait till morning.I will arrive here at 6.Okay?"
I nodded. I wanted to come to any conclusion but I instead decided to watch things place itself.
I was exhausted and spoke,"Good night,Mr Malhotra."
He dropped his hand down and put some distance before saying,"Good night,Sara."
And that's how he walked away while I watched him leave through my window before letting out some breath and deciding to catch up some sleep.


At sharp 5,I got up and refreshed myself.
My mind wandered at various instances and I let music drift me.
The tunes were relaxing while I sipped my cup of tea. Nothing else seemed to be ready to go in my stomach.
The anticipation was kind of already killing me.
I didn't know if there would be any turns of events.
I tried to wonder what could be such a big revelation.
Playing with the rim of cup and twirling my hair by my finger,I kept thinking.
I heard a car pull in our garage and watched out from window to see Mr Malhotra honking.
I quickly gave him a wave to let him know that I knew of his presence.
Before exiting the house,I ensured that I had washed the cup and locked the house properly before I reached near his car.
I opened the car and climbed in.
He looked at me before saying,"Hi."
I whispered softly,"Hi."
He nodded at me while I tried to put on a seatbelt. After putting on a seatbelt,he started his drive.
As he drove,none of us made any attempt to make a small talk. Instead,we settled on a comfortable silence.
He let me be in my world of curiosity and questions while he seemed focussed on driving.
Soon, I noticed that we stopped at a florist.
I looked at him,curious. He let go the seatbelt and he climbed out.
While I made a motion to do the same,he shook his head and instead he went.
After some minutes,he returned with a bouquet of beautiful tulips and a pink rose.
He kept the flowers in the backseat and put on the strap back. After few adjustments,he started driving again.
After what seem quite a few minutes,he spoke,"Today,you are going to meet my most special person in my life.The woman I loved and will always love."
His eyes were shiny and he didn't dare to look at me.
I let the words make sense to me. I bit my lip,a bit jealous before nodding.
Suddenly the bouquets made sense.
I guess she really loves Tulips.
But then a thought came over me and I asked,"Am I under dressed for meeting someone?"
He gave a look over me,before chuckling,something that had been missing the whole while before he spoke,"I can already tell you that she won't care. But I guarantee you that she will love your presence."
I nodded and looked ahead,while he went back to his silent mode.
I looked out as I watched the houses drift faraway before my eyes widened at the lack of houses.
Instead there were lots of trees. I had never seen this part.
Then again,I never really went out of my locality when I was with Tusshar.
Mr Malhotra must have noticed my reaction as he spoke,"First time ?"
I spoke,still looking out,"Yes.First time."
In half an hour,we reached a place.
The place was named "Memorial Garden."
The gate was nothing sort of majestic but the view was inviting. I watched a few kids play while some elders chatting.
Mr Malhotra nudged me and spoke,"We are here."
I nodded and I asked," Are you sure I look okay?"
He looked at me and said,"There is something missing."
I suddenly felt conscious and I tried to look in the mirror of the car but I couldn't find anything that was missing.
I couldn't help but ask,"What is missing?"
His eyes seemed to be fixed on me and his stare made me blush before he spoke,"Your smile and confidence."
He can never fail to surprise me.
At his words, I instantly smile and he smiles too.
He gets out of the car and holds the bouquet while I close and lock the gate.
I suddenly realise,he is neither too excited to meet his love of the life, nor is he too regretting.
Instead he seems calm and collected.
Like he has done this thousands of times.
Then again,he would have met his love of his life many times.
I shake my head at my thoughts and decide to be a good friend.
I offer to hold the bouquet which he refuses. Instead he gives me the pink rose.
Now before you think it's flattering,he gave the rose to me so that I could give it to the woman I am meeting.
As we walked in the premises of the garden,I was awestruck at its beauty.
There were many trees,flowers and a lot of beautiful floral variety.
Mr Malhotra walked in a different path and soon I noticed we were walking in a private alley.
I couldn't help but ask,"Hey,isn't it illegal?"
He still walking ahead asked,"What is illegal?"
I reply,"You know when something is not legal..."
He rolls his eyes and said,"I know what it means.I meant what action do you think is illegal?"
I try to match his steps as he walks faster and I speak,"Like trespassing.I think the sign said it is private alley."
He suddenly stopped and I ended up crashing at his back.
I winced as I touched my nose before I looked at him.
He gave an amused look to me and said,"Why do you think the watchman didn't stop us and instead saluted us?"
He said,looking at my reaction,"Yeah.I own this."
I gave him an impressed look and I started walking ahead.
But then he drew me back and instead he slid his hands and next I knew,we were holding our hands.
I was so confused.
As we walked,I could feel him get nervous.
He still had unnerving air around him.Like it wasn't supposed to be.
He seemed to gulp but still he stayed silent.
I asked,a question I had since he held my hands,"What will your girlfriend think?"
At my words,he didn't smile or anything.
Instead he looked at me,seriously and spoke,"You aren't meeting my girlfriend."
I scrunched up my eyebrows before I questioned him again,"Then who am I meeting?"
He didn't answer.
Instead we kept walking,but now he seemed to lean on me.
Like he was trying to grasp up a support.
He seemed to hold his breath and he licked his lips.
His actions were alarming. His cool demeanour suddenly seemed to slip and instead I saw an afraid man.
Like he was afraid and sad.
His fingers seemed to tighten around mine.
I could have freed my hand but instead I tightened mine around his.
He was definitely surprised but his gaze was ahead.
After few more steps,we stood in front of a huge tree.
The tree seemed to bear beautiful flowers and in there was a scroll installed.
Below it,there seemed to be a boundary made.
And suddenly everything made sense.
I stood infront of someone's memorial.
But whose?
Mr Malhotra let go off my hand and placed his bouquet on the stone altar.
He looked back at my confused state and gestured me to come near.
I walked closer and suddenly I felt like someone had knocked wind out of me.
Before I could fall back,Mr Malhotra's hand seemed to tighten around my back,the only thing preventing me from falling.
Mr Malhotra spoke,his eyes vulnerable,"Meet the woman I loved and will always love,my mom."
But it wasn't this words only that had me crying.His next words were the one that broke me.
His voice,choked from trying not to cry,he spoke,"Meet my mom and your Aunt Khushi."
She can't be dead!

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