Chapter Sixteen

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"You! Why would you do this to him!" I screamed.

"Because he deserves it..."

"No he doesn't! He hasn't done anything wrong! Except be with you!" I screamed at her.

"No sweetie, see that's where you're wrong. The best thing he's ever done was be with me," Daniella replied.

"Oh please, at least I didn't kidnap him or stalk somebody I barely even knew!"

"Trust me, I know Serena. Probably better than she knows herself," she laughed devilishly.

"I-I don't understand. Danni, why would you do this to me?" Serena managed to say out loud.

"Because you left me! You decided to ditch me and become friends with this bitch. And that's why I took Alex as well, because I knew he belonged to Lauren."
She continued. "I knew that you were meeting up with Lauren that night, Serena, so I anonymously got ahold of Alex saying Lauren was in danger. Which made Lauren mad, they broke up, I got ahold of him, I blackmail him into breaking Lauren's heart. But then I heard him yell that he still loved you last night and I went crazy," her look changed.

"But why would you care if he still loved me? It's not like you even cared for him anyway," I asked.

"Because he belongs to me now. Not you. So last night I stole him and took him here," she giggled.

"How'd you get inside my head?" I asked in anger.

"Huh?" She was confused.

If she wasn't inside my head, then who was?

"Where is he?" Aaron finally spoke.

"With me," Daniella answered.

"Wait, So he's not dead?" I took a breath of relief.

"I probably scared him a lot, but he's not dead," she smiled wide.

"You need help," Serena said bluntly.

"Don't tell me what I need to do!" Daniella's smile disappeared.

"But I mean, you kidnapped an innocent man and stalked an innocent girl," Rena rolled her eyes.

I realized immediately what she was doing. She was being a distraction. Fortunately, Daniella was coming closer to Serena. I sneakily turned back to Aaron who was holding something behind his back, hopefully a weapon.

"So? It was only for revenge!" Daniella muttered is disbelief. Like what she was doing is completely normal.

"Are you listening to yourself? You're sick, mentally. In fact, you make me sick just looking at you!" Serena spat.

"You have absolutely no right to speak to me that way!" Daniella's face was turning red.

"I can speak to you anyway I want," Serena spoke mockingly in a British accent that sounded completely fake.

Daniella was increasingly coming closer, "I could seriously hurt you. Remember Derek?" She smirked "You were so gullible. You really believed that Dawn did it? From that point, I knew I could do anything."

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