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(After the date)


I turned around, it was Mr Stark. He was wearing a black hoodie "M-Mr Stark?? What are you doing here?" He grabbed my hand and we walked into a dark alley "Mr Stark?" He didn't reply.

"Mr Stark? Where are you taking me?"

I pulled my hand away"What's going on?? Why are you acting so weird Mr Stark?" My spidey senses are going crazy. He turned and pull down his hoodie, he looks emotionless.

"Mr Stark? Are you okay?"



"I am not Tony Stark."

He punched me in the stomach, kicked me in the shin. So i fell to the ground holding my stomach.
Who is this person? I didn't bring my suit.

My vision was getting blurry.
Then, everything turned black.



It's Monday.

I still haven't heared anything about Peter.

I went to the kitchen to get breakfast. I see Wanda and Vision talking while Wanda is making toast, Nat and Clint drinking coffee. Steve, Sam and Bucky eating their breakfast while Thor is just lazing around.

"Y/n, good morning" Vision greeted me "Morning.." i look around, Uncle Tony isn't here "Hey where's Uncle Tony?" I asked "He's in his lab with Bruce." Natasha replied while taking a sip of her coffee.

I nodded and walked to the lab.
"Uncle Tony?" He turned to look at me "Oh, Y/n, what's up?" I looked down at the ground nervous "H-have you seen Peter?" "No i haven't, why?"

"After we hung out yesterday, he didn't answer any of my calls, Aunt May said he didn't come home and he didn't reply any of my texts either. I'm worried."


I nodded.
Tony sighed "It's a good thing i put a tracker on his phone. Y/n get ready to go to school, i'll search for him." He said with a smile "Okay, Thank you" i smiled back and then left.

At school

I turned around to look at Ned running to awards me "Have you heared anything from Peter??" He said while trying to balance his breathing. I shook my head "No, but my uncle put a tracker on his phone." Ned looked at me confused "Your uncle? Who is your uncle?"



"Ned..Promise me you wont tell anybody?" I said nervously "Uhh..sure sure." He nodded "My Uncle is-- is Tony Stark." I said quitely, Ned looked at me shook.


Everyone turned to look at us because Ned was being loud "Shhhhhh Ned!!" "Sorry sorry." He whispered and i sighed "Come on, let's get to class." I ran to awards the class while Ned follows me from behind.

After school

"Y/n come here."
I walk my way to Uncle Tony, i think he's going to tell me something important "So about Peter, i know where he is." My eyes widened "Where?"

Tony sighed "He's.."

"He's where? Please i need to know."

"He's at the Hydra base."


Y'all this is so short.
I rushed this.
Soz :((

Dreaming - peter parker x Reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now