I'm Sorry

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Tai was standing outside Scarlet's studio holding a bouquet of blue roses and her guitar that she left at his house. He let out a sigh, he's been standing by her door for a few minutes, he knew eventually he would have to knock. He took a deep breathe as he finally decided to knock on the door.

"Come in!"

The voice shouted from inside. Tai cleared up his throat and opened the door. He saw piles of boxes being taped up and some that still needed filling. He was confused at the sight of all the boxes and every thing that used to be hanged up were now put down. He saw Scarlet's back was turn towards him as she was pacing back and forth as she was talking on the phone.

"I gave you a choice either to pack here at the studio or at the house"


"I don't care, now stop your complaining and get to packing"


"Yeah, I'll see you later. Bye Guilmon"

Scarlet said as she hanged up her cell phone as she turned around she gasp and took a couple of steps back dropping her cell phone on the ground before pressing herself against the wall looking away from Tai. Tai immediately got scared as he slowly walked up to her trying to calm her down but he knew he was the cause and took a few steps back.

"Okay okay, its okay"

Tai said calmly looking at Scarlet who looked like a scared child. He showed her the flowers.

"These are for you"

He said as he placed it on the counter table but Scarlet made no move or sound.

"I also brought you back your guitar"

Tai said as he showed the guitar, Scarlet lift up her face and immediately light up with a smile as she slowly moved away from the wall but soon disappeared as she put her head back down and pressed herself against the wall with a scared look. Tai let out a sigh as he placed the guitar on the leather couch.

"Scarlet, I know I'm the last person you would ever want to see right now, but I didn't just came back to give you your guitar but also to apologize"

He said sincerely at those words Scarlet slowly looked up at Tai still frighten. Tai let out a sigh because he knows now he has her attention.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry what I've done to you, you been through so much already and I just made it worst. I know you can't forgive me even I can't forgive myself"

He said sadly as he looked at the ground with shame, tears began to gather in his eyes.

"Since I started with the accusations towards you, I became like a monster, a monster that has done something terribly wrong. I was wrong Scarlet, Matt told me the truth and I hurted him but it wasn't enough for me take away all the pain I did to you. I don't deserve you Scarlet, you had always been faithful to me and I was just scared, scared of losing you to someone like Matt. I was scared because you were like a dream girl to me that became a reality. I'm sorry, I know you can't forgive me now but I will try to make it up to you and prove to you that you can trust in me again and maybe just enough to call me a friend.....again."

Tai said sadly as he closed his eyes as tears trailed down his face. Tai immediately open his eyes when he felt a hard slap to his cheek and was surprise to see Scarlet staring at him face to face with a angry look.

"You didn't trust me"

She said angrily. Tai sadly looked down and nodded.


Tai looked at Scarlet in surprise.

"It was also my fault"

She said sadly as tears gathered in her eyes. Tai immediately knew those words.

"No Scarlet don't go down that road, it wasn't your fault, it was mine...."

"But I should have told you from the begining when he was flirting with me but I was scared you wouldn't believe me"

She cried as tears came down trailing down her face as she sobbed into her hands. Tai wanted nothing more but to hold her and wipe away her tears but he knew it would make it worst. After a while once Scarlet pulled out a bottle of her medication to help herself relax, she looked at Tai with red eyes that were still glossy.

"Thank you for bringing my guitar, I was looking everywhere for it"

She said as she grabbed the guitar but didn't really care too much about the flowers, Tai let out a sigh as he notice that but nonetheless he was happy that she was making small talks with him.

"So what are the boxes for? Are you moving to a bigger studio?"

He asked curiously. Scarlet packed up her guitar before turning to face him.

"Um actually no, I'm moving back home"

She said as she turned back to tape the box.

"Wait Boston?"


At those words, Tai's heart skipped a beat.


He said trailing of knowing that it was a stupid question because of course she's leaving there is nothing for her here. Scarlet looked up at him.

"You said something?"

She asked. Tai nervously scratched the back of his head.

"Um yeah, did you need any help moving the boxes?"

"No thanks, I got it"

"Okay. Um when are you leaving?"

He asked.

"In two days"

"So soon?"

"I've been waiting for five days, its no big deal"

Tai quickly thought of another excuse for he can still see Scarlet for the last time.

"How about we throw you a goodbye party?"

He asked. Scarlet stopped what she was doing and looked to Tai.

"No thanks"

"Are you sure?"

"Look I have a lot to get done okay. I appreciate the offer but I don't feel comfortable to be in a crowded area right now. So please if you wont mind let yourself out the door please"

She said as she turn back to her attention in hand. Tai sadly nodded before leaving the studio.

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