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9 months have passed since the honeymoon and Scarlet was nine months pregnant. They were happily living at the condo and was surprise when the doctor announce Scarlet was carrying twins, she was due any day by now, Tai wanted to be by his wife side but Scarlet wouldn't let him. So Tai had his sister and mother help watch Scarlet while he was away at work with Agumon. Scarlet was currently in the kicthen drinking a strawberry smoothie. Kari was sitting across from Scarlet talking with her.

"Have you both picked out names yet?"

Kari asked.

"We haven't decide yet"

She said with a slight flinch. Kari quickly noticed it.

"Scarlet are you okay?"

She asked concern. Scarlet gave her a slight smile.

"The pain in my lower stomach is starting. Ow!"

She said with a groan as she clutched her stomach tightly.

"Wait hold on! Mom, Guilmon, Gatomon come quick! Scarlet's in labor!!"

She yelled in panic startling Scarlet as she looked at her confused.

"Kari calm down"

She said trying to calm down the poor girl. Just then Guilmon came running in panic mode.

"Oh no the baby is here!! Scarlet can you try to hold it in!!"

He yelled. Scarlet frown at Guilmon but groan as another pain of contraction hit her. Just then Yuuko came in walking calmly, as she helped Scarlet up.

"Come on we're heading to the hospital"

She said as they headed towards the door. Kari and Guilmon went towards the door running. As soon as everyone one is in the car, Scarlet was going through her breathing exercises.

"Just breathe in and out. Okay is everyone here?"

The mom asked. Kari thought for a moment and gasp as she ran back inside the condo home and grabbed Gatomon who was sleeping by the window and ran back into the car.


The mom shook her head with a smile and drove away taking them to the hospital. After a while, they were abke to stablize Scarlet having her in a private room. Yuuko, Kari, Gatomon and Guilmon were in a private waiting room as Tai came running through the double doors in a panic.

"Where is she?"

He asked. His mom calmly walked uo to his pkacing her hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry, they gave her some pain pills for to keep her stabilize her. She is in room 306"

"Okay thanks mom"

Tai said as he gave her a kiss on the cheek before running towards the room. Once he arrived, he pulled the binds to see Scarlet in tears. He slowly made his way to her.


He said softly. Scarlet opened her eyes that were filled with tears.


"How are you feeling?"

He asked as he pushed a few strands behind her ear.

"Tai, I don't want the babies"

She said as she closed her eyes afraid to see the look in Tai's eyes. Tai was frozen as he felt his heart dropped.


He asked. Scarlet turned her head away. Tears began to gather in Tai's eyes.

"Scarlet you don't mean that"

He said.

"No she doesn't mean that"

Saod a voice. Tai turned around and saw the doctor.

"Don't worry she just have the baby blues, it normal for new mother's to go threw it"

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, now would you please step out for a moment until we are done"


He said quietly as he walked out sadly and leaned against the wall next to the door and began to break down. Guilmon was walking by and notice Tai was standing and crying.

"Tai what's wrong?"

He asked concern. Tai didn't dare to look up as he continued to cry.

"S-scarlet doesn't want the baby"

"That's not true"

"Of course it is, the doctor said its just baby blues but I know that's not true. What if Scarlet regretted marrying me or even having a child from me or what if she hasn't fully forgiven me?"

He asked as he cried. Guilmon sadly smiled.

"Scarlet doesn't regret it. I mean these past nine months she has been talking about how happy she was to finally have a family of her own that would grow up with love and care. If Scarlet hadn't fully forgiven you then she wouldn't have never let you back into her life. She's just scared because she doesn't want them to grow up like how she did"

He said sincerely. Tai finally looked up to Guilmon with tears still trailing down his face.

"You mean it?"

"Of course, I know Scarlet. I been her friend since she was 5yrs old"

Tai smiled and gave Guilmon a hug.

"Thank you"

Just then the door open to reveal the doctor and the nurses.

"They are ready to see you now but their is one slight problem"

Tai felt his heart skipped a beat.

"What is it?"

"One didn't make it, the umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck, I'm sorry"

He said walking away.


Tai said lowly as he quickly went into the room to see Scarlet was crying carrying a baby and another baby that was wrapped up in its crib. Guilmon quickly went to tell the news to the Kamiya family and they quickly entered the room. Tai walked up to the baby in the crib and saw its color was pale. Scarlet took notice that Tai and everyone else was here.

"I'm sorry Tai"

She said with tears. Tai walked up to her and kissed her on the lips.

"Its okay"

"No I should have done something"

"There was nothing you could have done"

He said as he tried to hold back his tears but failed miserably. Scarlet pulled the baby off her chest for Tai could look at his baby boy. Tai smiled at the sleeping child.

"I want to see her"

She said. Tai nodded as he helped her up while he gave his child to his mom as he walked with Scarlet looking down at their child that was in its crib. Scarlet's body began to shake as she sobbed as Tai hold her. The Kamiya family were sadly crying at the loss of a family member. Scarlet grabbed hold of her child and hugged her.

"I'm so sorry baby"

Tai grabbed hold his baby girl in his hands and gave her a light kiss on the forehead before settling her down. Kari walked up with bouquet of flowers for Scarlet and placed a single rose on top of the baby.

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