Chapter 22

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Its been a month since manik's nightmare! Everything is going smoothly! Fab5 were busy in their album while nandini was busy with her hospital work as now she will no more be an intern but now she will be a real doctor all by herself! Its been a while since Manan had spent time alone.. yes they used to meet at night and get personal time but used to fall asleep as they were really tired due to their work schedule! They have got intimate though... Today Fab5 had their promotion night for their new album! But there's always something bad when something amazing is about to happen!
Today nandini was home, having off from her job! The sun had rose and the beauty sleep of the lovely couple had been broken!

M: jaan.. imma kill this sun.. har baar it rises on the wrong time! We just slept jaan!

Yes in this one month manan had become one (dont worry yall get to know when theres a flashback to that day😂)

On getting no response back from his 'jaan' he looks at nandini and sees her sleeping peacefully hiding her face in his chest and just snuggling more in to him!

Manik POV
This girl.. my girl.. only she can make me feel this loved and this much wanted! Just look at her.. sleeping like a cute baby! My baby! Hopefully I wasnt so harsh on her yesterday.. I mean.. its not like first time.. but she is like a doll... i can never see even a little scratch on her cauz she's just sooo special! I love her.. love her like anything in this world! And hopefully one day i get to see mini her! Omg did i... ohh well one or the other day its going to happen! And now i have that smile which is never ending!

End of POV

Seeing Nandini stir in sleep he realizes she's about to wake up! As soon as nandini opens her eyes she sees a beautiful sight in front of her which is manik looking back at her with all his love!

N: manik what are u looking at like that?

M: you! He simply said looking at her

N: manik... stopp! We have to get ready and go downstairs! Everyone will be waiting! Aur phir tumhe album promotion ke liye bhi jana hai na!

M: thats like... at 2 abhi toh sirf eleven.... ELEVEN the fudge...

N: ELEVEN!! Manik why didnt you wake me up! I hate you! Ab toh paka late ho jayenge!

M: not unless we have a shower together! You know "PaNi bachao, time bachao"

N: not even in your dreams Mr.Malhotra! I am angry on you so you better find a way to monfoy me and get ready on time! Bye!

And she left to the washroom locking the door!

M: ohh lord! Now i m dead!

And saying that manik left to a different room bathroom!
Both got ready and came down to the living room where everyone was waiting with a smirk on their face!

M: what? He said glaring... knowing about their teasing session

C: kuch na bas thinking how can someone sleep till 12 in the afternoon if they slept at 10PM! Like there could be two reasons: 1) either they were reallly tired which i know you were not! And 2) they were doing something till late night! Which I am pretty sure you were!

Nandini kept her hand on her mouth and blushed while manik gave a glare and gave a fake smile saying

M: Mr. Dhwan why do I think before you get to see your kids you will die and you know who is going to kill you? He said all in a serious tone!

C: who?

M: MEEEE! So if you dont want to die anytime soon shut up! And left to dinning table to get something light to eat while cabir made a sad pout!

Manik came back to the living room with a plate of fruits and the other plate with today's breakfast! It was almost lunch time so he only brought little so they can all have lunch together!

At promotion of the album
Fab5 were sitting and mikes were put in front of them! Nandini abhi navya didnt go as fab5 were going to get questions asked and it was only for them. Fab5 were getting telecast live so three of them were watching them on tv!
Reporter: so tell us about your new album?

M: its on friendship! After all friendship day is around the corner and what better album can be realesed during friendship day!

And the reporters asked more questions and fab5 answered some with attitude some with love and some with smiles!

Around evening 7:30pm fab5 entered the mansion back! And nandini went and gave all of them water while navya walked in with some snacks!


Heya all! Hope you all like the update I tried to write a long one! I hope this story is not going bad cauz i feel it is! I dont know.. leave your comments to let me know!
Love to all❤️🐣

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