A month passed and I'd eased into the Teddy group, secretly of course.
I was walking down the street with Paul and John, they'd always walk me home.
"You're a fream with them, Judith Mae," Paul said, shaking his head.
"My mother likes them," I said, kissing Paul's chubby cheek.
"Come over to The Cavern tonight," John said, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.
"Prom's tonight. Nancy'll have my neck if I don't go," I sighed, looking up at him.
"Jude, why don't you just give up on them?" Paul suggested. "Call Mo and you girls come over to the Cavern. It's gonna be just our group, since Prom's tonight."
I nodded and smiled. "I guess it won't hurt anything. I didn't have a date anyhow."
I kissed them both on the cheeks and disappeared into the house. I called Mo and she came over and fixed me up to look similar to her.
We went over to the Cavern around 8. I wore John's leather jacket and eyeliner, both of which would be strongly disapproved of by friends.
We went down into the Cavern and I was greeted with a hug from Paul.
"Well, where's the music?" Stu asked with a disgusted face. He went over to the jukebox and picked out something.
Elvis. John danced around and winked at me as he sang along, hopping up onstage and pretending to be Elvis.
It was actually quite attractive. Me and the other girls went along with his act and bunched up in front of the stage, squealing for Elvis.
He grinned and let out a hand for me. I took it and he pulled me up onstage with him, dancing with me. I giggled and he twirled me around at the end.
"Hit us with another goodie, Stu!" John said, tossing him a dime.
Stu took it and put a new song, it was slower. He did it on purpose, winking at John.
John wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck. He grinned down at me as he sang along to "Love Me Tender". I rested my head on his chest and it felt so right.
I heard coos from the other girls, but they were soon dancing with the others.
Mo with Richard, the only one who I had yet to get to know. He spent a lot of time in the hospital. Jane danced with Paul, they were both blushing and anyone could tell they were into each other. George, Pete, and Stu kept themselves busy with a card game. Although the room was smokey and dim, there was no doubt in my mind this was better than prom.
I looked up at John, who was still softly singing, and smiled. He leaned down and planted a gentle kiss on my lips, whispering as he pulled away, "You look bored, love."
I blushed deeply and rested my head on his chest again, "Sorry.."
The song ended and we parted, me going to meet Jane and Mo in the bathroom, him joining the card game.
"JohnLennon has eyes for you, Judith," Mo said, touching up on her eyeliner.
I tucked my hair behind my ear, looking down, "So?"
"He kissed you, huh?" Jane smirked, reapplying lipstick.
"Girls, We're gonna start drinking!" George interrupted from the other side of the door.
"Thanks, George!" I shook the girls' ideas from my mind and went out of the bathroom, meeting Paul at the bar.
Jane came out, sat beside Paul, and started on a beer. I knew I couldn't get used to the taste so I just let mine sit in front of me.
I looked around and noticed George was missing.
"Hey Jane, Where's Geo?" I asked.
"He went out for a smoke. Said it was getting to warm down here," Jane shrugged as Paul played with the straw in his drink.
I nodded and excused myself, going up to find George arguing with a few of my other friends.
"Hey! Leave him alone!" I yelled, going over and pushing Jason away from George.
The others seemed taken aback by my new style. I stood up a little straighter and took George's hand.
"Judith!" Nancy gasped, pushing through the herd to get to me. "What the hell have these Teds done to you?!"
"They made me feel equal, now if you'll excuse us, we have drinks waiting. Right Geo?" I smiled brightly at George. He blushed and smiled back, squeezing my hand and flicking his cigarette, "Right."
We turned and quickly went down into the cavern.
I giggled as we got back, "They're never gonna let me live that down!"
"Thanks, Jude," George smiled and bashfully looked down.
"It's fine Geo," I nudged him. "Go dance with Mo."
He smiled and left me. I wasn't alone for long though, John came over and tried getting me to dance with him again