I blinked and started shaking my head. What kind of game was she playing? My vision was soon blurred by tears that spilled from my eyes, each one hot on my cheek. I pressed my lips together in an attempt at stopping them from quivering.
Letting go of Ringo's hand, I turned and started back towards concession. It just had to be Nancy.
"Judith?" Ringo looked between me and our friends before he caught up with me. "What's wrong? Hey, now, don't cry.."
He wiped the tears off my cheek with his thumb and gave me a genuine smile. I couldn't help but to smile back, even though I was hurt and angry.
"What's wrong?" He asked again, rubbing my back.
I sniffled, rubbing my eyes, "That girl.. John's girl. I don't understand why she's doing this--No, I don't understand why /he's/ doing this."
"You don't like her?" He looked over his shoulder.
"She's terrible," I shook my head then looked up at him.
"She's pretty," He shrugged.
"She's out to make my life a living hell. I mean, she's always saying how she hates Teds. And look at her now, with the worst of them all," I crossed my arms over my chest and glared over at them.
"Come on, we'll ignore'em. We're missing out on a good film," Ringo took my hand again and we headed back over to sit with Geo, who stole the rest of my gummy worms.
I glanced back at John, his eyes were on us and a mixture of hurt and confusion covered his features. I smiled and went back to watching the movie.
After the movie finished I stood and stretched as George went on about how stupid it was.
"Waste of money, that was," He mumbled as he picked up trash. Ringo yawned and stood too, "I thought it was alright."
"How would you know? You were either half asleep or away," George laughed, going to toss the garbage out.
"I watched some of it!" He grinned, rubbing the back of his neck. I laughed and shook my head, "I gotta pee, I'll be right back."
That, I guess, was John's cue to pull away from the witch. I went into the old bathroom and into a stall to do my business when I heard the door open and was joined by another person. I say person, because I knew it wasn't a girl.
"Judith?" Ugh not him, anyone but him. "I know you're in here. What's up with you and Richard?"
"What's up with you and Nancy?" I retorted. It was quiet. "You're an ass, John."
"I know," I heard him sigh.
"Me and Ringo aren't a thing, if that's what you're asking."
"Well, neither are Nancy and I. She's just a good time, you know?"
"I don't wanna know. Just--Go away," I said as I opened the stall and passed him to get to the sinks. I washed my hands then left him there, going back to meet Paul and Jane.
"Jude, are you alright?" Jane asked with a tentative smile.
"Never been better," I smiled, not sure if I really meant it. "Let's go, I'm beat."
The two exchanged glances and Paul shrugged, "Let's get going then."