Eight came fast. I was dressed in a black pencil skirt, a short sleeved white turtle neck, and a white pair of flats. My dark hair hung straight, a white headband holding it out of my face. I threw some makeup on and smiled. I looked so much better than usual. My mother yelled up the stairs and I came down.
Paul stood there, his hair greased back in a quiff. He wore a white tee shirt under his leather jacket, and leather pants to match, blue suede shoes to complete the look. I laughed loudly and walked outside, shaking my head.
He just blinked and looked me over, "What are you laughing at?"
"Leather pants?" I pointed and giggled again.
"It's what we wear, alright. Well, you look bloody gorgeous," He nodded at me. I giggled, rolling my eyes, "Thank you, Teddy."
He smirked as we made it to a posh looking house, "Alright, just stand here and look pretty while I go get John."
I stuck my tongue out at him then laughed, watching him knock on the door. A small woman came to the door and hugged him, then was joined by a boy around my age. I scoffed. Another teddy. He was definitely a rougher teddy than Paul.
Paul smiled back at me and I raised a brow.
"Who's this, Paul?" The other Teddy Boy asked as they joined me on the sidewalk.
"This is Judith, she moved into that old house across from mine."
"She's a lovely bird , Paulie," He grinned and slipped a strong arm around my waist making me blush. I pushed him away and walked between the two.
"I'm not a bird, I'm a girl thank you. If anyone here is a bird, it's you. A loon to be exact," I said, sticking my nose in the air.
John bit his lip, grinning, "You're stuck up, playing hard to get. I like that."
He rested his hand on my bum and I swatted him away. Paul giggled and I punched his arm.
"I am not the kind of girl to hang around with teddy boys. Quite the opposite actually," I crossed my arms.
"You'll change your mind, love," Paul said and I smiled at him.
I caught a few posh looking football players eyeing us. They were definitely on the piss. I blushed and looked at the ground.
"Hey, baby, what are you doing hanging about with these clowns? I don't take you for the type," One said, sloppily leaning on a stop sign.
"She's the type alright," John said pulling me closer to him, his hand on my bum again. I glare up at him and he gave me a sympathetic look. I blushed a little when he leaned down and whispered in my ear, "Just go with it. I'll buy you a drink."
I smiled and wrapped my arms around his waist. Paul draped his arm over my shoulder and glared at the boys as we passed them. It felt right, being in their arms, but I wouldn't ever admit it.
As soon as we got to the club they pulled away and I shivered. John smirked at me, starting to shrug out of his jacket, "Want it?"
"No, I will not be seen in a teddy boy's jacket," I said, crossing my arms.
"But you'll be seen with two teddy boys hanging on you?" He grinned, handing me his jacket. "Consider that a backstage pass. Come on, I'll buy you a drink."
I slid his jacket on and followed the boys into the club. The Cavern, it was called. I sat at a table with Paul as John got us drinks.
"He likes you, I can tell," Paul said over the music.
"I don't care," I shrugged. Of course I was lying. His jacket smelled fantastic and he was just so bad. It was unusual for me to fancy someone like him. I shook it off as John handed me a beer. I cringed as I took a sip, "That is foul!"
The boys both laughed and Paul took it, sipping it. John downed his own and nodded toward the stage, "We should go get ready."
"I'm gonna go outside for a minute, get some fresh air," I said, excusing myself and going upstairs.
I leaned on the building, holding John's jacket closed around me. I heard some loud laughter and voices. Looking down the street, I made out four figures. The jocks.