Double Disaster 17

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The best thing i could have ever did was drop my olds and get me some news. JDolla and Jose' are the fucking best. Its hard having two boyfriends at the same time and not try to get caught up. But for once in my life Im happy with who im with and im gone keep it that way. But, now that JDolla is leaving we gone go on a little date with Kyle and his new bitch. I wanted to go but i really didnt because i know that things were going to get heated. Yall know how Kyle is about things. I did my hygeine thing and hair and make up. I decided that I'll wear short red tight fitted dress and some all black low top converse with my black beenie. I was comfortable but cute at the same time.

We arrived at the Mexican Grill and walked in all eyes were on JDolla and i. I wasnt mad at all who wouldnt want to stare at the new couple. We  walked over to the table where we were greeted by Kyle and the trick Tariyah. They had already ordered us drinks so now it was time to get down to business.

JDolla: " So Kyle how you know my baby Sia. She never talks of you."

I started to evil smile. I wanted Kyle to say sum out the way.

Kyle: " Well me and Sia have history together. She now what i mean. Dont you Sia."

Okay now let the games begin he didnt have to do all that.

JDolla: " What kind of history."

Sia: " Really history Kyle baby we just friends."

Tariyah: " Sia you dont have to lie about what you and Kyle had in the past."

Sia: " Check your hoe, but anyways JD we just WAS good friends. So, lets change the subject real quick."

The table got quiet and their was tension between everybody.

Kyle: " So, JDolla im a real big fan of yours, but how long you two been dating."

JDolla: " Thanks man, we been dating for like a week now. She my baby."

I smiled at him and i could see that it was making Kyle mad and i loved it.

Sia: " So, Tariyah you and Kyle fucked yet."

Me and JDolla started to laugh but you could see that she was scared to answer the question.

Tariyah: " No and i dont see nothing funny about that. Thats OUR business Sia and I'll a preciate it if  you respect that. I know about you and Kyle and Im not worried about you and he dont give two fucks about yo ass either, so back off damn."

I started to laugh even harder.

JDolla: " Oooooo somebody mad aint it baby."

Sia: " Hell yeah so bitch what do you know."

Kyle: " I know you get around."

Sia: " Wow i get around i know that myself. Tell me something i dont know. Because i know yo man better than you bitch. Come correct please hoe we having fun dammit. Next time you get out of line im beating that ass. Real fucking talk."

She shut her ass up then.

JDolla: " Baby just chill but answer this question for me Kyle and Sia. Did you two fuck."

Sia and Kyle: " Yeah."

JD tried to play it off like it was cool but i know i was gone hear it when we got in the car and i was ready.

JDolla: " SO why yall not together."

Kyle: " People just dont understand Sia and I. Were friends and friends only."

JDolla: " Well this the last time you talking to her after this."

Kyle: " I'll try."

Kyle looked at me and licked is lips. I just love him to fucking much and JDolla tripping like forreal.

JDolla: " Lick yo lips at her one more time like Sia im finna slap yo ass."

Sia: " Whatever bitch."

Kyle: " You better chill the fuck out. I dont care who you are. I'll beat yo ass about that one right there.'

Tariyah: " Im through with this shit Kyle we over."

Sia: " Bye bitch he was never yours and never will be."

She got up and left the table and our food was here so we ate. I could just feel the tension between J and Kyle. Which one im gone lose tonight. We were finished and paid our bill and left. I didnt even get a chance to say goodbye to Kyle because JD wouldnt let me. We got in the car and drove off hear it come.

JDolla: " So you bring me on a double date with a guy that you fucked and still care about."

Sia: " Like i said we friends. JD you dont understand what we got going on."

JDolla: " AN what is that."

Sia: " We free to do what we want."

JDolla: " Sia you playing with me forreal like im gone slap you in yo shit."

Sia: " Do it since you so fucking bad baby."

JDolla: " Serious Sia we can get far, but tell me who is Kyle."

Sia: " Im not finna repeat myself."

JDolla: " SO we through."

Sia: " Hell yeah i cant deal with this. Their is no fucking TRUST damn."

 He dropped me off at home and that was the last of me and JDolla i think. I went in the house took a shower and put on my pj's. Then i got a knock on the door from none other than the Infamous Corey. He came and sat on the bed with me.

Sia: " What boo."

Corey: " I care about you a lot like forreal Sia. I got feelings for you and you keep playing with me."

Sia: " Im not gone even lie i care about you to Corey but i cant be in no type of relationship with you."

Dont never get me wrong i still have a thang for Corey but i just cant do it and he messy as hell. He leaned in and tried to give me a kiss, but for once im gone be faithful to my boyfriend Jose'. But one thing i will let Corey give me is some goodnight sex and thats what we did.

Love In a Hoe's Paradise ( Urban Book. *EDITING/ON HOLD*)Where stories live. Discover now