McKenzie Kylia ? 26 / E

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S I A ( Holloween )

First of all i want to say welcome to the world baby girl you are my pride and joy. At 8:45 pm on the dot my baby McKenzie was born. An right then and their my whole life has change. All i want to do is be the best mother to her. She is literally my everything. Everytime i look at her i just want to cry, but i cant no more i just cant. Now i have to face the fathers of the baby.

Second, i want to applaud the fathers JDolla and Jose' for being their on time and beating me to the hospital. I couldnt ask for better fathers to be in her life. Dont get me wrong they might be assholes but when it comes down to being a parent they the best. They both made sure that she had everything she needed. Regardless of one of them knowing that they are not the father. I applaud them for that.

My whole family was there. Momma, Stepdad, Sy, Corey, and Gracey. I was just so suprised to see corey their. he even held my hand during delivery. Then i had the babydaddies and they family there. An then Kyle finally made it to the hospital drunk and late, but he want to sign the birth certificate oh hell no.

McKenzie just makes me forget about everything and everybody, Just me and her and thats how its gone be. She looks excatly like me. Then she looks like JDolla, but know more like Jose, but then like Kyle. I needed a DNA Test quick fast and a hurry. After a while the nurse came in and took the DNA from McKenzie, Jose', and JDolla. I was nervous and happy as hell at the same time.

After all the visitation and family stuff everybody left. Which just left me, JD, Jose', and drunk ass Kyle. I just wish his ass would leave he is not wanted. JD came over to me and got in the bed with me. Which made the other boys made but who cares not I. I laid my head on his chest abs listened to his heart beat like old times.

JDolla: " Sia."

Sia: " Yeah bae."

JDolla: " I just hope McKenzie mine. Fuck that i knoe she mine."

Jose': " What makes you so sure that she's your huh."

JDolla: " An what makes you so sure."

Kyle: " It will be funny as hell if she not neither one of yalls."

We all lookes over at Kyle ass. I just wanted to get up and whoop his ass but i need my bills paid and extra helping hand.

Sia: " Kyle baby just go home okay. Your tired and drunk."

Kyle: " No, im speaking the truth and you dont want to hear it Sia. But, I'll go home."

He came and gave me a kiss on the lips with his vodka beer breath and left the room. Now it was just me, JD, and Jose'. The nurse came back in with McKenzie it was time to feed and change her. I never knew that i would be changing and feeding a baby so early in my life. JDolla and Jose' wouldnt even let me do it they both wanted me to rest while they took care of her. I watched as both of them took turns holding and feeding her. She was a good baby. McKenzie didnt even cry forreal either, so that means im gone be getting some sleep.

They finally gave my baby to me. I jsut held her and looked at her, but the happiness was soon brought to a end because Shaedy decided to come visit. I looked up at her she was smiling and had food in her hand from the Cheesecake Factory. She came over to me and the baby and gave me a hug and kiss. Like i really wanted that, but i decided that i would be nice to her. She sat the food down on the table, wahsed her hands, and took McKenzie away from me.I looked at her as she intercated with my baby. I didnt want her holding her at all. I didnt want my baby around her period.

Shaedy: " Sia omg she is just so beautiful with her fat self."

I fake smiled and turned my head back to the tv. JDolla and Jose' left the room to go get something to eat.

Shaedy: " So, we playing the quiet game Sia."

She got up and put the baby back in her crib and sat right next to me on the bed.

Shaedy: " Sia i know you still mad and i know you say you forgive me, but deep down inside you dont. Because if you did we wouldnt be having dry conversations and playing the quiet game. So, talk to me whats bothering you."

Sia: " Well this might be the last time you see so lets talk. Why would you let a stranger hurt your family member. When you clearly said if they get out of hand you would stop them, but you didnt. Shaedy you let him rape me."

Shaedy: " I apologize we all were high."

Sia: " So, we gone blame it on the drugs. Okay, like i said i forgive you, but i cant fuck with you. I apreciate you trying, but i no longer want to have nothing to do with you. I love you and your dismissed sweetheart. Thanks for the food."

I looked in her eyes as a tear fell down her cheek. I dont give a fuck. She gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. SHaedy then looked at the baby and smiled and walked out the room. I then got the food on the table and started to eat while the baby slept.



I woke up and looked over and saw JDolla was laying in the chair and Jose' beside me. I gave Jose' a kiss on the forhead and he woke up.

Sia: " Good morning babe."

Jose': " Good morning were Kenzie."

Sia: " With the other babies. Thank you Jose'."

Jose: " NO, problem baby. I love you and McKenzie."

Sia: " I love you to babe."

The nurse came in 15 minutes late and brought Kenzie to us. Then she had the DNA results. I woke JDolla up to hear the results. He came over to me and kissed me on my forhead and held my hand. While Jose' held the other one. I just wanted to faint i was to nervous. I could feel both of them shaking and hear them breathing hard.

Nurse: " Well, the DNA test reads that Jose' is the father of McKenzie."

I cried and looked over at JD who was trying to fight back tears and Jose' who was jumping for joy.

Sia: " Thank you mam."

She smiled and nodded and left the room. Jose' went over to babygirl and help while kissing her. I smiled i was happy my baby had a good father in her life. Then i looked at JDolla he was fighting his tears. I gave him a hug and thats when it all came out. He let it out for a split second and got his self together. JD then walked over to Jose's and have him a hug and kissed McKenzie on her forhead. He then came back over to me and gave a me another hug and looked me in my eyes. I know he was hurt i could feel it. He put on his coat and waved goodbye to us. That was the last i saw of JDolla.


It was time to do the birth certificate. I signed it and Jose signed it. Now my baby has two good loving parents. I was happy and i could see that Jose' was to. He hasnt stop smiling since he found out the he was the father. To me it really didnt matter who was the father. I just wanted McKenzie to have one since i didnt and he didnt. I just hope and pray that all is well with us.

Mommy and Daddy Love You

McKenzie Kylia Lopez

Love In a Hoe's Paradise ( Urban Book. *EDITING/ON HOLD*)Where stories live. Discover now