Good Friend 25/ E

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S I A ( October 29, 2014)

Well, Kyle and I are still not together but he does live with me. He is only here for the baby and me still, but im single. My baby is almost here and im nervous ass hell. i dont know what to expect i just want to be a great mother. Without all the drama thats finna happen in a few days.

I woke up this morning to the smell of bacon cooking. I know its Kyle he want me back but i dont want him. All i need him to do is bye me some more baby stuff and pay my bill. Because the shit he did was unexceptable. I got up and did my hygeine things, hair, and makeup. I decided that i'll put on a high low pink skirt, white vneck, and some low top pink coverse. I walked in the kitchen to see that Kyle had cooked bacon, pancakes, grits, sausage, and eggs. I was in shock but then i wasnt because it was Kyle. I walked over to the table and went in on my food. I didnt even bother to say good morning for what.

Kyle: " Good morning to you to Sia."

Sia: " Yeah."

He came and sat down right next to my. Im like what the fuck dude you couldnt go to the other side of the table like damn bruh. I looked over at him and mean mugged the shit out of him. On ly for him to smile back at me and kiss me on my lips. I finshed eating my breakfast and cleaned up the kitchen. After that i was to tired to do anything else so i went and laid down on the couch and watched tv. While watching tv i got a knock on the door. Kyle got up and answered and guess who it was the infamous ERIC. I was so happy to see his ass i didnt know what to do. I got up and pushed Kyle stupid ass and gave my baby a big hug. He was so happy to see me that he wouldnt even let go of me. We finally broke from our hug and went back into the bedroom to talk. Kyle just stood their with a dumb look on his face i know he was mad, but oh fucking well.

Eric: " Bae im so happy to see yo ass." He said giving me a kiss on my neck and putting his arms around me.

Sia: " I missed yo stupid ass to Eric. What the fuck you think you doing."

Eric: " What you talking bout."

Sia: " Why the hell you marrying Gracey."

Eric: " Sia right now i dont even know. All i know is that i love her."

Sia: " You love her what about me."

Eric: " You know you my number one baby i love you but."

Sia: " But what bitch all i know is that you better not marry her and thats on my life. Do you hear me Eric Matthew Harris. She cant do what i do baby." I said giving him a kiss.

He took a deep breath and started shaking his head.

Eric: " Baby your right she cant do what you do."

Sia: " I know thats why i said it. So, as me being her friend i know her real goos. An she is not the one. Dont ruin your life baby you to young and to good looking for this."

Eric: " I understand."

We kissed and he gave me some money $2,000.00 to be clear. I gave him a hug and a kiss and we said our goodbyes. I sat back down on the couch and Kyle was sitting in the chair eating a apple. I looked over at him and smiled but this time he mean mugged me back.

Sia: " Kyle i love you babe."

Kyle: " I love yo fake ass too."

Sia: " Fake , how am i fake baby."

Kyle: " You fake because how you fucking yo bestfriend fiance'. Telling him not to marry your bestfriend who would do anything for you Sia. What kind of friend are you baby."

Sia: " A good friend what kind of boyfriend are you."

Kyle: " A boyfriend that would look past all the shit you did. I knew you were a hoe, but i looked past all that Sia."

Sia: " Blah Blah Kyle i hear that all the time tell me something new that i dont kow. I know i get around damn."

Kyle: " OKay fuck yo childish ass. Be a hoe for the rest of your life. Thats why you dont know who the father of your baby is."

Sia: " I might not know that, but i know its between two guys okay Kyle. Damn worry a bout your self for a change. You aint no better that me. dont forget you whooped my pregnant ass."

Kyle: " Somebody needed to whoop your ass. You thank you cant be touched but Sia you clearly can be. I was the only person their for you. Somebody who looked at you differently. Who didnt care what people said about you. I wouldnt judge you for the past. an what you do go out and cheat on a good man. Who didnt even force you to get a job, but fuck that. You fucked up Sia im just here for the baby."

I just let one tear flow from my eye. I gave a fuck but then i didnt. You siad you didnt care but you keep bringing the shit up, but its okay. I got something for his ass i really do just wait on it. I got up and got my coat and left. I couldnt bare to hear the lies and the truth at the same time. I did some last minute baby shopping and headed to my momma house. WHen i got there Corey was outside smoking and he was just the person i wanted to see. We made i contact while i was still in the car. A big smile crept a across his face and mine. I know i said i hated Corey but i loved his ass to death. I got out the car and walked over to hima nd gave him a hug a the longest kiss in the world. He put his arms around me and i just felt so safe and he gave me a kiss on the forhead. I just started to cry.

Corey: " Baby its gone be alright. You dont have to cry."

Sia: " If i tell you something promise me you want tell Sy."

Corey: " Baby i promise not to tell him."

Sia: " Last week Kyle put his hand on me for no reason. He came home drunk and just started beating me. Now he want move out the house. I cant fight him because im pregnant and scared."

I could feel Corey's hearbeating fast and now him ball his fist up. He was mad i know i lied but then i told the truth to. I looked up at him and his eyes were red then he was breathing hard.

Corey: " I m finna go whoop this nigga ass Sia."

He tried to walk off but i grabbed him and pulled him back to me.

Sia: " Corey no baby please dont do it."

Corey: " OKay Sia you crying to me and shit about a nigga thats putting his hands on you while you pregnant. An you dont want me to whoop is ass. Hell no im finna beat his ass."

Sia: " No Corey please. If he do it again then you can whoop his ass, but right now he paying the bills so just chill for right now okay."

I grabbed his face and gave him a kiss. He was still angry.

Corey: " Next time if he put his hands on you im gone KILL him. Im not gone slap him or punch him. Im gone KILL him do you hear me Sia."

Sia: " I understand Corey."

I gave hima big hug and another kiss.

Sia: " Your such a Good Friend."

Love In a Hoe's Paradise ( Urban Book. *EDITING/ON HOLD*)Where stories live. Discover now