Musical Resuscitation

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Reminiscing in my dark room,
Sounds circulate from my head to my toes,
The bass beats to the rhythm of my heart,
And the vocals speak to the crevices of my soul.

Take me back,
Where the sun rested my mind,
And the rays caressed my face
As the warmth of sweet embrace.
Where the wind stroked down my hair,
And the trees waved as I stared,
As it was and always has,
The bejeweled dew-filled grass.

Nature is a state of being,
That wraps you in with its kiss,
Past is nothing in the orange streaked bliss,
But it is everything when you start to miss.

The blood flows thick as the memories that glow,
Through the chambers of feelings
That we did and don't feel anymore.
Dark, clouded state of mind,
Flooding as I try to catch a glimpse,
But it's too disfigured and the truth I just can't piece.

Sweet hand squeezes my heart,
With a smile on its face and a tear from my part,
As you do not suffer like I do,
With you and the world it is all too much.

Reminding me of a time,
Not happy but valued.
Better than now,
Not happy nor valued.

(A/N: This poem is about the way music may resurface repressed memories and feelings, making us nostalgic)

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