Chapter 21 - Respite

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"Move yer feet, lass!" 

Sweat was pouring down my forehead, my neck, and my spine. My body was tired (we had been training for a good four hours straight with no break), but I forced myself to keep going. I swung the heavy wood sword at Angus, feigning a blow to his side, and when he went to block, shifted the weight of my stance, ducked under his arm, and hit the training blade against his patella. His legs buckled beneath him and he collapse to the ground. I turned and pointed my sword at his face.

"Verra well done, lass," he laughed. "Ye have grown stronger these past two weeks, don't ye know." Angus rose to his feet, shaking out his leg, clapped a hand on my shoulder. I stumbled a bit from the sudden force, but I couldn't help but laugh softly. "Come now, let's get some food in yer stomach. I am sure yer belly is screaming at ye to give it something."

It had been two weeks since I approached Kain about training. I think that when she saw my ambitions to fight, he wanted to train me. He wanted to help me. Maybe? I could tell everyone was still holding back on me, despite the fact that I was mostly healed. I think they were all worried about hurting me. And while I am glad that they didn't just go all out on me from the beginning, come on. I'm not a helpless girl anymore.

Kain was waiting for us in the courtyard. He watched us approach with a stern gaze, I could almost tell he was upset. "I thought we all agreed that ye would not train for more than two hours more at a time without a break, Christine."

I smiled slightly. Yes, we had agreed to that. But I was so in the zone that I lost track of time! "Sorry, love," I said, planting a kiss on his cheek. "I guess we just lost track of time. I'm going to go clean up and cool off before I have something to eat. If you see Aunt Emma, will you tell her I'd like to see her?"

He sighed, his expression softening. "Verra well. I will have the cooks prepare something for ye two to eat."

I walked through the halls of the castle, a bit of a bounce in my step. Training, while tiring, was so energizing. I felt like I had a purpose again. Like I was no longer lost. Emma was waiting for me in my bedroom, and I smiled brightly at her. "Emma!" I cheered. My arms wrapped around the woman and she laughed softly. "Oh, Aunt Emma, I have the happiest of news!"

She sat down with me on the bed. "What is it, lass?" She inquired.

"Emma... My time started this morning. My cycle." I grasped her hands tightly, positively beaming. "I'm not carrying that dead bastard's child."

Her eyes widened and a smile spread on her lips. "Oh, child, I am happy for ye! Have ye told the lad yet? Does he know?"

I shook my head. "Nae, not yet. I planned to tonight. He wanted to go riding before sunset."

A smile spread across the petite woman's lips. "Good. Now, let's get ye cleaned up. It seems that ye have had another hard day training with those boys. I drew a bath for ye a little while ago, so the water may no longer be hot, but at least ye shall be clean."

I smiled and nodded. She helped me strip my sweat soaked clothing off my body and set them aside to be washed. A bath, hot or cold, sounded wonderful. I honestly hate being sweaty like this. The way clothes stick to your skin and make it difficult to move? No thanks. But it is worth it if I can defend myself. Once I was in the bath and soaking, Emma combed the knots out of my curly hair and washed it. She let me relax for a little while, and, Lord, was I thankful for it. I had started cramping after an hour of training and they were just now starting to lighten up.  She assisted me in scrubbing my body clean of dirt, and once I was bathed, dried, and padded up, she found me some clean clothing. I didn't resist when she wanted to help me dress. My periods made my joints hurt, especially my lower back and spine, and I often got terrible migraines. She dressed me in loose fitting pants and a loose, billowing shirt tucked into the waistband. I braided my hair while I walked barefoot down to the main hall, where surely all of the brothers and the laird were waiting for me. 

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