Chapter 3 - Mysteries

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When I woke up, as morning came around, the sky still dark with clouds and the air still cold with the coming winter. I yawned softly and sat up slowly. Immediately, I winced and placed a hand on my arm, groaned a bit, and my other hand placed on my hip. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood slowly. It was cold and the fall air chilled my skin and penetrating straight to my bones. I walked to the window and drew open the curtains only to be met with the same gloomy sky.

At least the rain had stopped.

I slowly walked to the bathroom, carrying a fluffy towel and a change of clothes, as well as my iPhone and speakers. I opened the door with a nudge of my foot and locked myself inside, honestly wanting time alone. I plugged the speakers into the wall and played my "Musicals" playlist. I turned on the water and adjusted the temperature until it was hot enough to be just below scalding. Hot showers were always helpful when I needed to loosen up or clear my head.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I noticed the dark circles slowly forming under my eyes. Lack of sleep and jet lag weren't helping at all.

I pulled my ginger colored hair up into a thick bun before pulling off my sweats and sweater. That was when I noticed  my bicep was bruised, as was my hip from when Alan threw me onto the floor. Tears formed in my eyes and I closed them, took a deep breath and clutched onto the cold stone counter top.

A new start, mother had said.

It will be great, she had said.

Without waiting another second, I jumped into the shower. My back arched as the hot water met my skin, a short gasp leaving my lips as I tried to adjust to the sudden heat. But soon I relaxed, a sigh of relief leaving my lips as my shoulders slumped forwards and my spine lost its tension. The music echoed through the bathroom, 'Popular' from Wicked, sung by Kristin Chenoweth, echoing off the empty walls. And I happily sang along (not caring that some notes were off-key) as I cleansed myself from the past two days of hell, restoring a positive persona to my mind. My soap smelled like lavender and cherry blossoms, a surprisingly good combination. I took my hair out of its bun, washed the thick curls as gently as possible, then lathered them with conditioner so that they would not frizz up the moment I got out of the shower. While most other people washed their hair first, I washed mine last because it takes the longest.

Mentally, I planned out my day. First, I could go see if mother was out of bed. Second, I could find the library in town. Third, I could practice my music. Then read. Then maybe fall asleep like before, while listening to music.

I finished  showering, shut off the hot water and met the cold air with a sigh. I quickly dried off and tied my hair back, shutting off the music as I dressed for the day ahead.

I pulled on a purple and white plaid collared shirt with a few strands of gold scattered about in the fabric. Over that shirt I pulled on a black sweater, one I designed online. On the front were the words Summer Love, with the "o" in the shape of a heart. This sweater was one of my favorites. A pair of black jeans covered my legs.

I combed out my hair without as much ease as I would have liked and searched around for a blow dryer. When one was finally found, I took my time drying out my hair and made sure my wild ringlets were somewhat controlled. After dousing my hair with hairspray to keep it from frizzing, applying a bit of concealer to hide the circles under my eyes, and checking myself once again in the still partially steamed up mirror, I was finally satisfied. I hung the towel by the hearth in my room and pulled on a pair of combat boots.

However, I noticed something the stones. An essence of something from this room, something that hummed in the stone's past. Before I walked out. I  tentatively placed my hand on the stone and closed my eyes. I sensed pain, rapture, and a strong sense ill-will. But somehow, within all of this, I felt an overwhelming sense of love. I gasped and staggered back, clasping a hand onto my chest. I leaned against one of the bedposts, my eyes closed as I tried to regain myself. Pepper meowed and rubbed against my legs. I smiled softly, looking down at her. "Thanks, Pep," I said as I reached down to pet her.

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