Part 2

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Suddenly, I froze. Claire immediately picked up on that and said, "can you give us a sec."

She dragged us out of the office and all the way back to my room. She sat me on my bed and tried multiple ways to get my attention when she finally in whacking me.

"Ow! Probably wasn't a good idea."

"Yeah," I responded.

"Finally! Jim, what's going on?"

I sighed, and spoke the words. "Merlin's son..."

"Yes?" She asked.

"He's, my dad." I was looking down in utter shock of the words. I could tell she was shocked too.

"Um, how do you know?" She nervously said.

"He looks exactly like he does in the photo I have locked in that drawer in my house." I started hyperventilating.

"Jim, Jim! It's gonna be okay! Jim!" I was beginning to black out. Suddenly she kissed me. That probably shocked me more, because but two seconds later I fainted.


Claire POV

Aw Crap! Why did he have to black out?! There was only one thing I could think of. I raced back to the meeting. I ran through the door.

"Uhh sorry to just walk out like that. Jim realized something important that he had forgotten and had to go take care of it, but I really need to talk to Blinky. Privately."

"Sure okay." Said Jim's dad. They both got up and left.

"Faire Claire, what is it you wanted to talk about?"

"It's Jim!" I said semi-out of breath. "We've got a big problem."

"What is the matter with Jim?"

"Merlin's son..."


"Is his father." The color drained from his face, so to speak.

"Apparently that's an issue?" I said.

"Yes it is indeed." He said gravely.

"And he's also fainted."

"Again, a bit of an issue." He said with a tad more concern.

"I'll talk to Merlin. He ought to know how we should go about this." He said. "Claire, would you mind trying to wake up Jim and keep him uhhh, stable?"

"Uhh sure?" I said with uncertainty. Blinky began to run out by stopped.

"Make sure no to mention his father." He said with caution.

"Okay." I said. He broke into a run again and ran out of the room and I followed him out the door.


Blinky POV

This is very very bad. Jim hasn't seen his father in eleven years.

After a while I finally tracked down Merlin. He was with his son. Who seemed to be a lot less cheery about being here.

  I slowed my pace and walked up to Merlin.

"Merlin, do you mind if we were to talk in private for a minute."

"Okay then." We walked into a corner alley away from his son.

"So, what's all this about?"

"Well, it seems we have an issue." I started.

  "What kind of an issue?"

  "You, have a grandson."

  "I'd think I'd know if I had one and even if I did why would that be an issue."

"Because your grandson is the troll hunter." I said a little quickly.

He started laughing. "You expect me to believe the troll hunter is the grandson of me?"

"Yes, I'm fairly certain he is." I said with as much seriousness as I could muster.

"I have a grandson?"

"Yes I suppose you do."

  "Why is this an issue?"

  "Why do you think your son wasn't at Jim's house?"

"Oh, I do suppose that is an issue."

"And, you did turn your son's son and your grandson into a half troll."

"Yes. I guess this is a problem."

"How are you going to tell your son?"

"I don't know, corner him, ask him questions until he connects the pieces?"

"Actually that isn't a bad plan." I said.


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