Part 9

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Only about halfway to mine and Toby's houses, I continued along the sidewalk doing my best not to draw attention to myself. I was completely aware that Steve was still trailing behind me. Steve, being the obnoxious person he is, was "trying" not to draw attention but, in doing so he was receiving more and more looks. In one swift motion I pulled him into an alley.

"Look, Steve, you and I both know how "amazing" you are at stealth, so I'd appreciate, if you are going to follow me, to do it more carefully!" I told him.

"Fine, Fine," he responded. I raised an eyebrow. "Yesh chill Lake!"

"Shut up!" I quietly exclaimed. I looked to see almost every head turned in our direction.


By the time we arrived, it was almost 10. Hours go by faster while you're stalking around. By this time I was no longer worried about onlookers, I mean I can't understand why I was worried in the first place, I just guess I couldn't be sure about the situation I was in.

I quickly jumped up to my window and opened it, don't ask how, (there's an outdoor lock, I don't know why [and I hid the key on the outside just in case). Down below I could hear the annoyed huffs of Steve.

I pushed on the glass and it swung open, I climbed through, in one smooth movement. I just stood there for a moment. I looked around the room books were everywhere, my bed was a mess like I had left it the last time I had slept in it. Other things littered the floor, my flashlight, about a dozen pencils and pens, homework that never got done. Finally my eyes ended on the page of the yearbook I had opened it to last. I skimmed through the names, knowing fully well where I was. "Darcy, Chase, Steve, Claire, Toby," I muttered to myself. Then finally settling on me. I studied the now, unrecognizable face. Then urgency filled me, need to find Mom or Toby or Someone!

I jumped to the very bottom of the stairs, landing on the wooden boards with a "Thud".
To be frank, I was surprised they actually held up.

I called, "Mom?" several times. I even tried "Toby?" but, what reason would he have to be here? I went over to the calendar that was pinned to the wall. Today is... awww man it's a Tuesday, so there really was no point in coming to my house? Also Toby won't be home because he has school.

I rushed back through the door, sun beaming down on me and even through the cloak a still feel a slight burning, especially on my back.

Running past Steve, who was sitting in the grass, on the way to school, now realizing how stupid it was to try not draw attention, I mean when Gunnar attacked didn't everyone find out about trolls and gnomes?

By the time I was 5 minutes away I dropped to all fours, which allowed me to get there in only 1 minute.

Practically smashing the door down, I pushed it aside and headed for Señor Ul's class. Bursting in, finding the stares of all my former classmates. Toby immediately got up from his seat with his backpack and ran up to me.

I looked at Señor who was scowling, he said, "and where do you think you're going Toby?"

"Um," Toby said. He looked at me and game the look of "what do I do man?"

"Señor Ul, he needs to come with me," I said.

"And who are you?" He asked. I looked to the windows minimal sun.

"I don't know anymore but this has dire circumstances." I said.

He replied with, "Well these dire circumstances couldn't be more important than the espagnol test my class is taking, so Toby back to your seat!"

Pulling back my hood I said, "Been a long time, I'm sure you couldn't have forgotten me so you should know what's going on." I heard a couple gasps, knowing my armor was showing I could suspect that had something to do with it. I heard Eli say, "Jim?" 

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