4. I'd rather die

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"Damn it!", Ban yells. "Calm down, we're trying to sort this out", Meliodas orders, trying to calm the blue-haired man. He huffs and sits back in his seat. "We're not doing anything but sitting on our asses, (Y/n) has been gone for five days". King sighs and rests his cheek in the palm of his hand. "It's alright, (Y/n) is strong, she'll be okay", he says lazily, yawning a couple seconds after. "Aw don't worry Ban, she'll be alright", Diane reassures. He rests his face in his hands, silently cursing. The king enters the room and sits at the head of the table. "Alright sins, I have finally decided what I would like you to do". Diane happily jumps up. "Really? What is it?', she asks excitedly. "I will allow you to search for the missing women". Their faces all light up except for Ban. "How do we even know she's with them?", he mutters. Meliodas places his hand on his friend's shoulder, giving him a serious look as their eyes meet. "She may or she may not be but this is the only lead we have. Do you really think that (Y/n) would ever leave without at least telling you or leaving some kind of explanation?". Ban sighed and shook his head, finally relaxing a little. "I apologize for flipping out at you guys, it-its been hard these last few days... not only for me but Ava too". All eyes land on the stressed male, each pair giving looks of sympathy. "We will find her, don't worry about it", Meliodas states firmly.


Ban walked homes with his hands shoved deep into his pockets, kicking a stone ever so often. He approached the front door of his house and opened it, missing the loving embrace he would usually receive. "I'm home", he mutters quietly. He closes the door behind him and enters the living room where Ava was sitting, reading a book. "What happened during the meeting?', she asks, sliding a book mark into the page she was reading. Ban sighs and rubs his aching head. "We're going to go after the guy who's been stealing all of the women". Ava's face drops in disappointment. "But what about Mum? Are we just going to ignore the fact that she's missing?". Ban shakes his head. "No, there is a chance she could've been taken by the same person". Ava stands up, throwing her book onto the couch. "She isn't like the other women who were taken, she's strong, she's a warrior". All of this was really getting to Ava, she tried to hold them back but the tears started to drip down her face. Ban sighs. "I know that but this is the only lead we have, if we want to find her then we're gonna have to try this first and from there we can branch out, we'll try every possibility. I promise you that I won't give up until I find her". Ava sniffles as she wipes her eyes. "I'm coming with you". Ban gives his daughter a serious look "No you're not, you'll stay here". She walks up to her father, glaring glaring daggers into his red eyes. "She's my mother and I'm not leaving her". "You won't be leaving her, I'll be there". Ava grits her teeth, having to wipe her face since she couldn't control her emotions. "I'm going and there's nothing you can do to stop me!". Before Ban could even rebuttal Ava had run off to her room, slamming the door behind her.

Ban sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, trying to calm himself. He was so stressed out and on edge since (Y/n) had disappeared. He was lucky he didn't let out his own emotions or else it would've shown just how he weak he felt without his partner by his side. "I can't believe this", he muttered quietly as he headed to his room. He entered it, looking sadly down at the bed he shared with (Y/n). He was always the first one up in the mornings and would find himself standing in this very spot, watching her peacefully sleep. He found it soothing, it just reminded him that she was by his side and she wasn't going to leaving him, ever. He gritted his teeth to hold back the tears that begged to be let out, he needed to stay strong. He quickly filled a bag with essential items and left the room, taking one last look at the bed. He would do anything to get you back to that spot...anything.

He let out a sigh as he walked down the hall towards his daughter's bedroom. Ban hesitantly knocked on the door, sighing when he didn't receive an answer. He took the knob in his hand and slowly turned it, pushing the door open. He expected to see his daughter hiding beneath the covers of her bed, crying. Instead, he found something he wished he hadn't. The room was a mess and the window was open, a note lay on the bed. Ban walked over and picked it up.


I don't care if you say I can't go with you, I'm going. Please try to understand that I want to save mum just as much as you, just let me. I'm sorry that I have to disobey you but I'm not just going to sit around and wait. I'd rather die than do nothing.


Ban let out another sigh, folding the note before placing it back on the bed. He walked over to the window and closed it before leaving the room and then the house. He ran to the sins meeting place, finding Ava standing beside Diane. "You ready to go?", Meliodas asks. Ban nods and enters the tavern, taking a seat at the bar. Everyone entered and sat down, holding onto the tables as Mama Hawk pulled herself from the earth. It was finally time to find her.

I'm so happy I'm writing this story. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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