12. Damsel in distress

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"I can't believe you two", Meliodas sighed, eyeing the father and daughter as they shifted uncomfortably before him.

"I said we'd figure something out but you went out by yourselves, you could've gotten yourself in serious trouble". The blue-haired pair stared at the ground in shame. They hadn't meant to worry their blonde captain.

"You should've taken us with you", he finished. The two froze, slowly looking up to see if he was serious or not. He was. He stood before them with a wide smile, his hands resting on his hips.

"Wait, what?!", King shouts suddenly.

"I thought you were scolding them for going to the castle without permission!". Meliodas nodded.

"And I did that, they shouldn't have gone without asking. But we were all going to go in any way".

"What about what the holy knight said?", Merlin asks, leaning back in her chair with one leg crossed over the other.

"They stated quite clearly not to advance until we have their clearance". Diane huffed.

"Why do we have to wait for them when our friend is in there against her will. As soon as I saw her I knew something was different, we don't have any proof but I would've gone in any way. It's exactly what (Y/n) would do for any of us, she'd ignore the rules and do what she has to", she states with a large smile. It was quite uplifting to hear something like that and it seemed to motivate the group.

"Following up from what Merlin said, I know that the holy knights don't want us to make any moves until we have enough information. But we do, I know for a fact that that isn't the (Y/n) I know. She wouldn't let anyone control her so there must be something worse happening, whether it be a love potion or a soul swap we need to do something soon. We'll all be going in tonight". Diane jumps from her seat, cheering loudly.

"I forgot to say that this will be a stealth mission so stay out of sight. We will not make any moves, we are only there to collect information. I'll be assigning you to the people in the castle so listen up. Merlin has (Y/n)".

"What about me!", Ban argues.

"Or me! Me and (Y/n) are best friends!", Diane exclaims.

"That's exactly why I gave Merlin the position to watch (Y/n) since the two of them aren't as close as you two she won't be inclined to act upon emotion. If something were to happen to (Y/n) you two would immediately give away your position and jeopardize the mission,  risking the others getting caught". Merlin, Ban and Diane nod in understanding, watching as he points at Gowther.

"Okay, Gowther your job is to follow Edward around. This is just in case he says something which will expose him, like if he admitted that he kidnapped (Y/n). And finally...", he trailed off, looking around. His eyes stopped on Ava.

"Ava, you have a really important job". Her (e/c) eyes widened.

"Like what?".

"Your job is to follow Edward's mage, Morgan. There's a lot more to that guy and since you're the smallest out of us all it would be easy for you to tail him around the castle".

"What about the rest of us?", Ban questioned, not looking too happy that he wasn't given the position to watch over (Y/n).

"The rest of us will take another look around the castle. Don't leave any room unchecked, we need to search the place as thoroughly as possible. If we don't find anything then I know for sure that we won't ever be getting (Y/n) back". His voice was cold, only because of the seriousness of the situation and the fact that everything he said was full of truth. If they didn't find anything on Edward soon there was a chance that they would ever get (Y/n) back. There was a moment of silence as the others processed the information, imaging their group without (Y/n). It was hard to imagine, everyone was so much livelier when she was there and if she were to suddenly disappear it would just stay as depressing as it currently was. No one wanted it to be like that, they wanted her back. Never mind that, they needed her back.

"When do we leave?", Merlin asks, interrupting the thoughts of the other Sins.

"Tonight. It'll be dark and easier to sneak around, also they won't be as active at night so there is a lesser chance that one of us will get caught. Anyway, you're all free to do whatever you wish until the time comes that we have to leave. It's still early". And with that the blonde captain left his group, retreating to the kitchen. Everyone went their separate ways, leaving Ban and Ava who sat in their usual seats. Ban leant back in his, staring at the ceiling while Ava played with the ring in her pocket, hoping that nothing bad would happen that night at the castle.


'(Y/n)' hunched over the toilet, furiously throwing up her breakfast into the bowl. Edward rushed to the bathroom and knocked lightly on the door before peaking inside.

"Darling, are you feeling alright?", he asked unable to hide how worried he was for the woman. She lifted her head and grabbed a towel from the floor, wiping her mouth.

"Fine, I just felt sick all of the sudden so I rushed to the bathroom. This body is a lot weaker than it was when I first got in it. Do you think she was sick or something?", she asks, wiping the sweat from her forehead. Edward slowly shook his head, bending down to help his mistress to her feet.

"No, she's perfectly healthy. This should be temporary, perhaps you caught a cold. That would explain your high temperature", he says, placing the back of his hand against her forehead. She relaxes in his arms, resting her head on his shoulderas  he embraces her.

You looked out and sighed as Edward held your body close. It made you angry but also really upset. On the night you accepted Ban's propsal you made a promise to stay with him forever and since you're both immortal, it would literally be forever. And you were fine with that, an eternity with him sounded perfect. But here you were, trapped and unable to fight back. It was the first time you had ever been in this position, you were used to being so free. But now there was nothing you could do. You were the damsel in destress that you despised.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I apologise for not updating as often, I had a lot on my plate and didn't have the time or motivaion to write. Anyway, vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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