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Sitting at the side of the lot Brooklyn couldn't help but think about what she got herself into. She knew it was wrong but she couldn't grasp the truth about her feelings. She's been hurt, hurt so much times that her two hands wouldn't be enough to help her count. She's faced endless battles and continues to test her faith on what she believes is right and what her mind convinces her to be the solitary decision.

Letting her head fall into her hands she lets out a deep sigh. "Show me anything." She begged for a sign. Something to push her into the right direction but nothing. Nothing came, the breeze didn't blow, the sun didn't shine, and the birds didn't care to chirp.


Slowly lifting her head she's face to face with a old friend.


He walked over to the bench she was sitting on and gave her a pleasant hug. "How have you been?"

Brooklyn bit her lip. She didn't know whether she wanted to tell the truth and spill her feelings out to someone she hasn't spoken to in over 3 years. She fought the urge that was telling her that she should and she did what she knows how to do best.

Brooklyn put on a fake smile and nodded. "I've been good, I can't complain. How about you stranger?"

"Honestly I just recently moved here. It's good to see a familiar face." Patrick smiled.

She wanted to agree but once again she stayed quiet and fought that urge. Her phone ringtone for him blasted out and her stomach instantly churned. Patrick looked at Brooklyn with a concerned face.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah." She barely muttered out. "I have to go."

"We have to keep in touch." Patrick quickly scribbled his number down and handed it to her. "Call me okay?"

She nodded while getting up and began to walk away nearly tripping over her feet. Patrick couldn't wrap his mind around what could have possibly happened to her to change the Brooklyn that he once knew. He seen the bags under her eyes looking like she hasn't slept in days and the fresh bruises that were beginning to form on her arms and neck.

Brooklyn's shaky hands answered the phone and took a deep breath. "Hello?"

"Left without telling me anything?"

"I left a little note for you."

"You don't have a mouth?"

She inhaled again trying to fight her nerves. Trying to come up with a solution for this to not end left.

"I'm sorry, I just didn't want to interrupt but I'm almost home now."

"You have 5 minutes."

The phone hung up and she tried to mentally prepare herself for what was going to happen. It was things like this that made Brooklyn rethink her every move. She knew she wasn't going to make it back in five minutes. When she went for her walks she didn't know where she would end up. She was just simply walking. Trying to make her mind up on whether she wanted to run away for good or go back to her new despondent life.

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