chapter 11

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Two years later...

If you're reading this now, then it's probably too late. I know you're probably confused, wondering why I never said anything or told you but it's because you were happy. We were all happy after the hell we've been through. It's unfortunate that breast cancer beat me but I fought to the end for you guys and Ava of course. I left you this letter because I think it would be best if Ava stayed with you and Patrick. I love her so much please remind her of that. I don't want her growing up and not remembering how much I love and care for her. I love you and Patrick too. I've seen the way you guys cared for her over the years and I couldn't ask for a better family for Ava. Till we meet again Brooklyn.

- Your loving friend Jennifer

Brooklyn dropped the letter from her hands and began to cry. Her best friend was gone. Patrick held her and let her cry into his shoulder. He was just as shocked as she was. There was never a sign that she was sick. She was the same happy Jennifer that she's been.

"Why?" Brooklyn sobbed. "We just began to get everything together."

Little footsteps trailed the hallway of the hospital and Brooklyn quickly wiped her tears.

"Auntie Brooklyn! Uncle Pattty!"

Ave ran over to them and jumped on Patrick which made Brooklyn smile. She knew that she had to hide her tears. How was she suppose to share that her mother was gone.

"The lady over there said I get to live with you now, is it true?"

Ava has always loved going over their house. She pictured living with them being endless fun. Patrick smiled and nodded. "Yeah kiddo, it's true. Are you ready to have fun?"

"Yes!" Ava giggled as Patrick tickled her.

Seeing Ava so happy made Brooklyn break even more inside. Her father was murdered and the only parent she had has now passed away. She was only four and doomed with sadness that she couldn't even understand.

Brooklyn stood up and walked over to the social worker and shook their hand.

"I'm guessing your Brooklyn." She stood firm, holding a folder in her hand.


"We have some papers for you to sign. Jennifer made sure she handled everything before she passed so this process can be a smooth as possible."

"What about her parents? They didn't want Ava?" Patrick gave Brooklyn a side look knowing that it may come off 

"Jennifer instructed for us not to not place Ava under their responsibility, you were her first and only choice."

Brooklyn nodded and took the pen from the social worker. She signed off on the documents after reading up on them, had Patrick do the same and received their copy. She walked back over to where she previously sat and picked up the letter before folding it and placing it back into the envelope.

"What are we going to do Patrick?"

"We're going to do what we've been doing."

"Her clothes? Room? Sleeping arrangements? We can't just pick up this responsibility and not plan anything through."

"Then we stay at Jennifer's, we have the key. Ava will be more comfortable and we just have to suck it up and figure it out. But right now Ava needs us."

Brooklyn looked down at Ava who was now fast asleep on Patrick's lap. They had to do this. Not only for them, not only for Ava, but for Jennifer. 

They gathered their things and made their way to the car. Brooklyn sat in the front while Patrick drove, their heads in two different places. Patrick was happy, content with the idea of extending their family even though it wasn't their first choice and not by them. He was ready to carry on to the next stages of Brooklyn and his relationship. He felt they were ready.

Brooklyn on the other hand was confused. She didn't know how to feel about what was going on. She was nowhere near ready for a family. Her mind continued to let where her life has been in the past two years play in her mind. 


"You're having the baby?!" Brooklyn jumped up from the table with Patrick and ran to the car. They made their way to the hospital and waited for the baby to be delivered. They were beyond excited. They felt as though they've been waiting for this to happen for so long.

"You think the baby is going to like me?" Patrick questioned Brooklyn. He couldn't help but ask. After all the baby talks and accidental curse words he let slip around Jennifer he didn't know if it would affect how the baby felt about him.

Brooklyn smiled at Patrick and wiped the tear away from her eye. "Of course."

"Just imagine if this was us."

The thought crossed Brooklyn's mind maybe once or twice, but hearing Patrick say it himself made her feel like the idea was complete. She felt that she wasn't on her own and that the idea of them building their own family was mutual.

"We'll get there of course. One day we'll have a family of our own."

"I can't wait to have that with you." Patrick smiled and kissed Brooklyn's forehead.


In some way only one of their dreams were coming true. Patrick felt like he gained a family member while Brooklyn felt like she lost one. They spent so much time together that she didn't want to accept the fact that things will no longer be the same. 

Once they got to the house Patrick unbuckled Ava from the car seat and held her hand as they walked inside. Brooklyn's heart fell again. It was as though the place that was once full of happiness and joy became a dark gloomy space. Her chest became tight and Patrick could tell that she was uneasy. 

"Why don't you go play with your toys while I talk to Aunty Brooklyn okay?"


Patrick walked over to Brooklyn and just embraced her. She didn't say a word, she didn't cry, she just enjoyed his touch. "I can't do this."

"Listen, it's no longer about us Brooklyn. We have to do this for Ava and Jennifer."

Brooklyn became stiff at the sound of her name but she eventually eased. 

"I need you to get it together. I know this isn't what we had planned but we have to deal with what we have. We don't need Ava feeling any less loved than what she is. She's gonna get older and realize that she doesn't have any parents. It's our job to make sure that void gets filled. Are you ready for this?"

She looked up at him through her blurry teared vision and nodded. "I'm ready. Thank you for being here to push me all the time."

"I love you Brooklyn, we can do this."

"I know we can."

They spent the rest of that night planning and figuring out how things were going to work now that they had a new situation on their hands. Patrick was right. They had to be ready more than anything to raise Ava the way she deserved to be raised. As the night when on they became more at ease because they knew they were ready for the life they had set to come. They both knew that no matter what they had to come they had each other and that was all they needed for them to take the leap of faith into the life they had set to conquor...

The End

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